jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010

My favorite celebration

Celebrations are very important for every country, the remember important events, people or dates. Christmas, New Year, Independence Day are some of the mos important ones in Chile. I don't want to talk about Chile, so I think that Saint Patrick's is a great celebration, people enjoy parades, music, drinks and good food. There is green everywhere you look, it is the color of Saint Patrick, even the river is painted in green!!, the color of the patron saint of Ireland.

19 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. My favorite celebration is St. patrick's.por entire production of this celebration, its green color that prevails on all sides that celebrates St. patrick's.Also I find very interesting howto myths elves and others.
    by:felipe yañez./class:8ºb

  3. favorite celebration is the day of lovers that day is so special for lovers and bloomers that day the bride and groom spend a day or rush with his wife or girlfriend so each persons hand her a bouquet of pink a bonbon or take her to dinner at restaurant and then a romantic belada the moonlight

    diego caro

  4. our favorite celbration is christmas.
    people celebration the brithay of jesus,family hors dinner.children receive present.listen to "mery christmas" in the world.

    by:catalina herrera
    catalina maturana

  5. de acuerdo a los antuguos cristianos durante la semana santa se envoca la pasion,muerte y resureccion de crsto.
    por eso se llevar a cabo con los huevos y conejos de chocolate

    by:micaela valenzuela
    Francisca Ortiz

  6. Our favourite celebration is Easter,because in this day we eat easter eggs.Children follow the easter eggs in their houses or I mean in the garden.They eat
    -obvious- the easter eggsfound.This celebration is very old.It is said that a rabbit paints eggs and hid it,and one day a childrens found the eggs in the forest.

    So,the joke was good jaja and bye!

    Carolina Herrera/Belén Tetzner

  7. My favorite celebration is my birthday people do talking and eat pie,and drink soda people listen do music,reggae,rock and roll,etc.
    people where they go house

    by:Esteban Rojas

  8. My favorite celebration is Chistmas is important, becausit celebrates the foit that Jesus was born, it is a moment to sheare, to drinks, and to recibe a spirit of peace

    By: David Alfaro

  9. My favorite celebration is the navidad since in this date jesus's birthday is celebrated in this date the families re-join to thank and to give love and happiness to all the persons

    by:camila rodriguez
    valentina rojas

  10. My favorite celebration is new year , that day people celebrate a new year start ,this daypeople eat grapes and dinks alcohol and dinks soda ,people listen to songs about new year, peoplegeneraly look artificial fire in the beach or high places.

    by: Francisco Muñoz(panxox)
    Daniel Rodrigues

  11. My favorite celebration is the navidad, I like because they re-join the whole family, the Christmas tree is decorated and is celebrated by a great dinner, but important mas is that there is celebrated the birthday of the child Jesus
    By: Alines Pareja

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. my favorite celebration is Christmas, because the family meets and are all happy in a moment of reflection while waiting to recall the birth of Christ and to reach twelve all open their present.
    bye:carla cortés and daniela newman
    class:8º basic.

  14. Our favorite celebrations is St.Valentine. People give chocolates and flowers,they share all every day and listen to romatic music, At night they have dinner becouse the mood is very romantic. St. Valentine is celebrate for everyone.

    Héctor Riquelme. / Daniel Cortés.

  15. my favorite celebration is Valentine's day where the lovers give themselvestendes things

    by : Daniela Pallero
    Valentina Paez

  16. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  17. My favorite celebration is Christmas, because family and friends gather in houses and dine together. While people are waiting 12:00 television or listen to Christmas music. The children look forward to 12:00 to open gifts or open the next day morning

    by:patricia contreras and patricia rojas

  18. My favorite celebration is Christmas because I like to spend with family and receive and give gifts

    BY:Angelo Canales,jose bravo, sharlotte

  19. ¡hola!
    mi celebracion favorita es navidad y mi cumpleaños.
    se preguntaran porque pues es porque soy feliz en esos dias.
    a ver si uno de ustedes puede traducir esto (in english)
