miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010


Friends are very important in our lives. One of my best friends is Marcelo. He is a teacher from Vallenar. He is very nice, talkative, good friend. loyal and funny. We met at the university about 20 years ago. We used to talk a lot, have fun, going parties and many things more.
Who's your best friend?

44 comentarios:

  1. My friends :

    she is my friend
    is called gabriela luna
    she is student
    from Coquimbo
    she is very happy
    is friendly and solidary
    nice, tener
    and meet him at the school
    about 7 years ago
    he like the cats y to see movies.

    name: pia alfaro

  2. My best friend is called grazing Milenka she is very happy in the knowledge colei last year and I'll shut up very well

    name:victoria ortiz salinas

  3. My friends :

    she is my friend
    is called Lucia Pizarro
    she is student
    from La Serena
    she is happy
    is tener, loving,
    honest and respecful
    y meet him at the in my home
    about 2 years ago
    he likes to ride a bike and to play computer.
    Name:Contanza Bahamondes.
    Number of list:4

  4. My best friends is called Valeria,
    is fan of twiligth, likes movies,
    is vere happy, honest and nice.
    were friends from 5º basic, share secrets, we study the same course.

    Name: Gabriela Luna.

  5. My friendy is camila contreras
    she estudies in school elena bettini

    she to like listen music, o dance, to study, to play in conputr.

    My friendy is :
    thin,tall, solidary, beatiful,kind.

    javiera moyano mansilla.

  6. My best friend is called Bárbara Jopia.
    She is nice, friendly, loving and honest. She live in La Serena, and study in my school. To play a computer games, to chat, to sing, to writing, to listen to music.
    She like singing, dancing, writing and reading.

    Bye, Catalina Rios.

  7. Evelyn my best friend is some feelings apollo two when we are wrong we always cauncils but sometimes we always impore

    name: Alison Sagua

  8. this is my friend .name is felipe the college studen elena bettini is generous and supportive colleagues he is cheerful and chatty

    name:felipe tabilo

  9. this is my friend .name is felipe the college studen elena bettini is generous and supportive colleagues he is tall and small .

    name:felipe cortes

  10. My friend is Alison ,is happy ,good friend ,likes to color things,sometimes attract attention and sometimes a lityle weepy ,studious and has more personality than I hahaha

    Name:Evelyn Gajardo

  11. presnt them to my friend the called diego we are fellow from the 4 yars the live in my naghbowhood un the sober the study the school gabriel gonzalez bidela his favourite sport is the futbol and his music favorite is thye reggeton
    matias alvarez cerezo

  12. my best friend is Rocio Munizaga
    she is cool and honest
    she live in la serena
    and study in my school.
    to sing, to writing to listen the music.
    she like singing and dancing.
    she is my BFF.

    name: Barbara Jopia
    Number of list: 19

  13. His name is Valesca Angel
    She is eleven years old.
    It is Browin, is thin, has eyes coffes,i PIEL COFFE AND IT IS RESPONSICLE.
    To go in the same college thati and we sit dowin togge5her.
    she is my best friend.
    To Know the first day of college,in the row and from this moment us to do friens
    Bye- Bye.
    name:Yaresli torres

  14. my best friends is camila
    she is twelve years.Camila is nice,
    solidary,happy,honest and faithful
    we are together in play time we mt in 4 basico she likes watching movies.,to reaal books and mani thing more

    the end

    name:javiera valencia

  15. the is called pia
    it me hin ot the elena bettini
    the likes listen music, dance
    generous respectful and solidary
    from serena


    name: javiera santander

  16. she is MY friendy
    is called javiera moyano.

    she is estuden
    from serena
    she is solidary,happy,nice ,tener.

    name:javiera yañez

  17. my best friend is bastian is nice,l solidary , happy i met at school living away from home entretaignig likes to play arto mair good vibes

    namw:yoel sepulveda

  18. my best friend is called Felipe Tabilo he studies in Elena Bettini about 8 years ago. Is a funy and play cards

    name: juan pinto

  19. She is my friend
    her name is Bárbara
    she studies in the school Elena Bettini, seven grade she is nice,talkative,funny,very cheerful and she is happy.

    by:Camila Contreras

  20. My best is called Pia Alfaro
    from La Serena,
    is happy, nice,honest and likes movie.
    were fiends form 4º basic and good friends.

    Name: Tamara Morales
    Number: 22

  21. this is my friends.
    She is called Yaresli
    She is a acompanion
    From La Serena
    She is very biutiful,
    nice an solidary,
    honest and affectionate,
    The conoci in the school
    S he likes to dance and to see movies.
    Valesca Angel

  22. My Friends is: pablo galleguillos
    He Is Solidary ,Happy , Honest and Respectful , Black Hair ,Brown Eyes.
    He likes to play computer games, to listen to music, to whatch tvand to chat.

    †ƒ×~The End~׃†

    Name : Matias Espindola

    Number list : 11

  23. My bestfriend hiscool Diego Jara.
    Life in santiago ofchile and his common is Pedro Agurre Cerda.
    Is high,blond,masseter,skinny,
    respectful,responsible,blored and solidary.
    Name:Benjamin Zapata
    Number of list:44

  24. My best friend is called Cristian
    Diaz for what is good person people and is cheerful

    Name: Luis Silva

  25. My friend is Camila, she is high, has the chestnut colored clear hair has the eyes brown.
    Since person is affectionate, nice, studious, happy, funny, though often it gets angry.

    by: Bárbara Julio Cartes

  26. My Friends is: matias espindola
    He Is Solidary ,Happy , Honest Respectful , Black Hair and black Eyes.
    He likes to play computer games, to listen to music, and to chat.

    The End

    Name : pablo galleguillos

    Number: 15

  27. my best friends is Milenka pasten, is solidary,happy,honest and respacfull.life in la serena,
    I met her school.like to cumputer game and to singin, lisent to mussic.


    Fernando navarrn gallardo

    number list: 25

  28. my best friend is Felipe Cortes,the is friendly and happy .The live in La Serena and they student in school elene bettini.To play computer game and to ride a bike.
    Name:Mauro Zeballos

  29. My best friend is called: Guillermo Castro.
    He estudies in Elena Bettini about 2 years ago.number of list is 6 .
    your class favorit is p.e.

    Name jhonathan Oyarzo.

  30. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  31. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  32. My Friends is: matias cortes
    He Is Solidary ,Happy , Honest, Black Hair ,blue Eyes.
    He likes to play computer games, to listen to music, to whatch tv and to chat.

    the end

    Name : roberto gonzalez

    Number list : 17

  33. my friend is called paula axo she lives in la pampa y know hen fon about five years ago cuhen y saw henfon the first me we met ech omten and from that day we were veny close friends.we use bo about beatiful things, y knew hen at the kinder game we used to heve a lot of finl those days. we mi tobehten,we did so many crazy things and when she gnowsupup she wants to study medicine

    name:romina vera

  34. my best fiends is javiera
    she is happy,crazy,honest
    solidary and nice.
    she is 12 years
    she studies in elena bettini school
    with my
    she is very good fun

    name:camila cerda

  35. my bes fiends is milenka pasten is ,jonest,solidary, respacful, is very good is play game computer...


    fernando navarro gallardo..
    number list:25

  36. my best friend is called alexandra campusano.
    she is 12 year old.
    she is solidary, friendly and cheerful, hair is black.
    whe het together after school and iat home.
    my friends is important my life.
    Paula gonzalez

  37. my best friend is barbara jopia castro .
    she is fashion,friendly .
    she like act,dancing,singer,play in the computer .
    go in school elena bettini .
    she is my bff .

    name:rocio munizaga

  38. mi best friends is fernando naverrois happy,honest,solidary and living. life in the serena .+

    bay .......

    milenka pasten diaz

    nuver list 28

  39. my best friend luis silva he is happy and honest

  40. my friend is Matias Escobillana he studdies school japon and game
    name:falipe diaz

  41. my friend is called MARIA JESÚS ROJAS: she is happy ,geneous and good , is good friend , from calera , about 12 years ago . name:camila ramirez

  42. my best frids is called ni
    nicolas farias
    sife in coyhayque of chile

  43. my best friens is Cristobal Jeldrez.
    He is happy.He like play computer game, to chat , to play soquer and to listen to music . I med him in school

    name: Gabriel Gahona
