martes, 10 de junio de 2008

What's your favorite free time activity?

Everyone has a favorite activity to do in the free time, some people like playing football, others like playing computers games and so on. My favorite activity is listening to music, I think it is relaxing and cool. I listen to music in my house every time I can do it.
What is your favorite one?

17 comentarios:

  1. Teacher plis no his comentary
    by maria paz abarca

  2. Teacher is not the commentary or the blog of the 8° basic
    by maria paz abarca

  3. My hobbies
    I´ like to play tennis (my hobbies one) my hobbies two is to play with barbies, also I ´like look watch TV and listen to music

    Mi description personal

    I´ have 11 years eyes Braun dark hair black and nose small

    See your latter

    Ninoska Ledesma 6ª grade

  4. mi description personal:
    name: catalina andrea rios guerrero
    age: 10 ages
    hometown: La Serena-Coquimbo
    likes: tv, toys, films, radio, phone, reaggeton.
    dislikes: food: soup the esparragos.
    family: pather, mother, brother, grandphater.

  5. I am on 5th. degree at Elena Bettini College. I like play to computer games and watch TV. I'm trying to play guitar.

    Camila Contreras Godoy
    5º grado.

  6. My name is Felipe Pacheco Tabilo
    I'm from 5 ° basic school elena Bettini

    What I do in my spare time favorite is:

    Television watching
    play PlayStation
    Playing Futbool

    I do not like what you do is:

    get up early
    eat roast meat

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Name:Pablo.Caceres
    age: 10 ages
    hometown: La Serena-Coquimbo
    likes: tv, toys, films, radio, phone, reaggeton.
    dislikes: fish
    family:mario caceres,juaquin caceres,jorje morales,father patricio caceres ,mother maria rojas

  9. My name is Felipe diaz rojas
    I'm from 5 ° basic school elena Bettini

    What I do in my spare time favorite is:

    Television watching
    play PlayStation
    Playing Futbool

    I do not like what you do is:

    get up early
    eat roast meat

    My Family:brother Florencia cepeda
    mother johanna rojas father manuel diaz gran father juan rojas gran mother berta saavedra

  10. My name is valeria rodriguez and I am in 5 º degree.

    My favorite activities are:

    To see television
    to play play station
    to walk in bicycle
    to play with my wrists
    to play with my dog
    and English to study jajaja

    Also I like to go out with my family


  11. My routine is:
    I get up at 6:30 a.m,
    comb myself,
    take breakfast,
    go away to the college at 7:35 a.m,
    and come to the college at 7:48 a.m,
    have lunch at 13:00.
    I go out of the college at 15:30 p.m,
    come to my cas at 16:00p.m,
    change of clothes,
    volume milks,
    I wash the teeth,
    go to bed at 19:00,
    and fall asleep at 21:40


  12. Hello I am valeria of the rosary rodriguez san francisco am 10 years old and go in 5 º degree of the college elena bettini.
    I live in the serenade, chili in the antenna with my family that they are my dads and my brothers, also I have a dog that calls morocha.
    I like to go out to walk and play with my toys.

    Good this I am I Valeria Rodriguez

  13. my routine is:
    I get up at 07:00 am, I have a shower ,and I have dressed ,then I have breask fast,I come to the shool at 07:25 AM,then I have lunch at 12:45 and I go out de shool at 15:00 pm, I wat tv in my house , and play the soccer then goto bed at09:00 pm
    matias alvarez cerezo
    5 basico

  14. my name is matias alvarez cerezo,I'm from 5 ° basic school elena Bettini

    What I do in my spare time favorite is:

    Television watching
    play PlayStation
    Playing Futbool

    I do not like what you do is:

    get up early
    eat roast meat

  15. I'm from 5 ° basic school elena Bettini

    What I do in my spare time favorite is:

    Television watching
    play PlayStation
    Playing Futbool

    I do not like what you do is:

    get up early
    eat roast meat
    javiera yañes
    5 basico
