martes, 10 de junio de 2008

My favorite character from history.

My favorite character is from Chile, he is Manuel Rodriguez. I think he was very brave, adventurous, daring and intelligent. He is an example for chilean, because he fought for his ideas and of course for the freedom of Chile.
Who's your favorite one?

24 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. My favorite character is from Chile is Gabriela Mistral. She receive the prize Nobel of Literature. She born in Monte Grande, Vicuña, in our region.She work from young as tescher of children.

    Analía Valencia Castro.

  3. My personality favorite is Bernardo O"Higgins because give an great import to history of Chile. First president of Chile.

    Luis Muños

  4. My favorite character from history is Arturo Prat Chacón. He is important because he participated in the naval combat of Iquique and gave up his life for Chile. He was born in the ranch of San Agustin of Puñual the 3 of April the 1848 and his family came from Spain. I like because he was a hero for Chile.

    Name: Catalina Cuellar

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. My favorite character is from Chile is Arturo Prat becouse defend Our country Against the Peruvians and his ship was of wood,and the peruvians it was of metal

    Maximiliano Dubó.A

  7. My favorite character is Gabriela Pazbecause I get the Nobel Prize in literature.
    Vivio in vicuña she was educated in vicuna and became a college professor of vicuña.

    Maria Fda Santander Bustos

  8. My favorite character from history is Arturo Prat Chacón. He is important because he participated in the naval combat of Iquique and gave up his life for Chile. He was born in the ranch of San Agustin of Puñual the 3 of April the 1848 and his family came from Spain.chile.


  9. My favorite character from history is Pablo Neruda, because he was the best poet in our country, and he was a very Important man in our history national.

    Gissella Silva Morales

  10. my character of the favorite history is from Chile it is: Arturo Prat, the one was the captain of the emerald in the naval combat of Iquique. I fight horn the death for chili with the fight against Peru. ugh a man that had him love to Chile

    :::::CRISSTIAN R TORRES A:::::

  11. gabriela mistral was born in 1889 in montegrande, vicuña and dead in 1957 in new york.In 1945 to recibe the Nobel Literature Prize and in 1951 to recibe the National Literature Prize.

    gabriela san roman

  12. My favorite character is chile, is called a poet Pablo Neruda I love his poems and where the draws inspiration

    yanina cortes

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  14. My favorite character is Bernardo O'Higgins. He was a hero of independence and took its name the principals facts of that period. after the victory of chacabco, where he played a major role, was appointed supreme leader of chile proclaim independence alliance with the triumph of Maipu and some discontent in the country forced him to relinquish power, then in exile where he died peru years later.

  15. my favorit character from history is gabriela mistral , because is a big poet.

    She vivio in Vicuña-La Serena.She recive the preice nobel of literature(1887)

    She deat in Ney York

    by :: la maghii xD

  16. teresa of calcuta:
    -she is dead
    -poor she is dead
    -not beautiful.

  17. My character favorite of history is Manuel Rodriguez,because he fighted for libity of Chile. He was fiend of Jose Miguel Carrera.

    Sergio Hurtado

  18. My favorite character from history IS Gabriela Mistral because it was a poetess that first was teacher and after much create poems, get the Nobel Prize in literature.
    was she one big person.


  19. My favorite character from history IS THE mother ELENA BETTINI,because was founder a of
    congregation HIJAS DE LA DIVINA PROVIDENCIA.She was nun,i helped the poor, famous, generous,very good, friendly and catholie.she is dead.

  20. My favorite character is from chile is The Padre Alberto Hurtado for having called the vocational sense of god helping many people poor and needy by creating homes and shelters for minors and adults who today runs throughout chile.


  21. My favorite character is Alberto Hurtado it was one character very important because open the Christ home that it is a house that helps to but needed.

  22. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  23. my favorite city is Valparaiso it is in the five region in Chile port main it likes me by its colonial antiquity with its hills and beaches and the cableways that it takes hanging of its hills.
    Juan Galvez !!!!

  24. my favorite place is the beach I like the tranquillity that it has the sound the breeze that votes the sun and salt water the waves etc.....

    Juan Galvez !!!
