Unit 5 links , 6th Grade

Here you are, the link for unit 5, study, practice and enjoy!!

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

My celebration favorite is Christmas because is cheerful, receipt gift and arm the tree of Christmas.

BY: Josefa Abarca Alvear

Unknown dijo...

My celebration favorite is christmas because is religius and is the day when God remittance a kid jesus

primaryschoolceb dijo...

Diana Echeverria Martinez:
My favorite holiday is Christmas, it is celebrated in peace, in joy and is a way to be with family.

primaryschoolceb dijo...

Valentina Huerta:
My favorite holiday is Christmas because it celebrates the birth family of Jesus, and because it is a time of peace and harmony.

Nicolás Valenzuela dijo...

my favorite celebration it is new year because is cheerful and I can share with my family and friend

Hans Brown dijo...

My favorite holiday is The Independence Day, because it's the independence of Chile.
I'm go to the campings and ''La Pampilla'', I lift kites, I play spinning-top with my cousins​​, I meet with my family and preparing a roast with my grandfather, danced cueca, and all the houses look national flag, this celebration is celebrated on September 18th.

Chile habla Inglés