
Free time activities, sports and hobbies are very important for everyone, the give you opportunities to rest and forget about school and job for a couple of hours. People love listening to music, play football, meeting friends and some more activities. My favorite activities are surfing internet because I get a lot of things, watch videos, read articles or news, listen to online music.

What's your favorite hobby?

15 comentarios:

jose ortiz dijo...

my hobby is play football and be playing Coputer

jose ortiz 6 basico

primaryschoolceb dijo...

my hobby is playing computer games, play football and play table tennis.

Nicolás Barrios
6º Básico

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My Hobby is be on the computer, dance,etc..

Valentina pizarro

primaryschoolceb dijo...

my hobby is play football and lisent to music

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My hobbies are dancing (I love the dance), playing on the computer, listening to music and watch movies with my friends or my family (:

By: Paulina Villalobos Orrego
Course: 6 º
List no: 26

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My favorite pastime is playing on the computer, playing hide & watch TV. Those are my favorite hobbies.

Maria Graciela Contreras
6 ° Basic
List No.: 06

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My favorite pastime is playing on the computer, playing hide & watch TV. Those are my favorite hobbies.

Maria Graciela Contreras
6 ° Basic
List No.: 06

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My favorite pastime is playing on the computer, playing hide & watch TV. Those are my favorite hobbies.

Maria Graciela Contreras
6 ° Basic
List No.: 06

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My favorite pastime is playing on the computer, playing hide & watch TV. Those are my favorite hobbies.

Maria Graciela Contreras
6 ° Basic
List No.: 06

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My favorite pastime is playing on the computer, playing hide & watch TV. Those are my favorite hobbies.

Maria Graciela Contreras
6 ° Basic
List No.: 06

primaryschoolceb dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
primaryschoolceb dijo...

my favorite hobby is playing computer games

Gabriela maluenda peña
n° de lista 9

primaryschoolceb dijo...

my hobby is computer games ,play football

jerko cuello
6° basico
n° lista 7

Unknown dijo...

my hobbies is :
-play football
-playing computer games
-play table tennis
-listen to music

benjamin sepulveda
6º basico

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My favorite hoobbies are:
- Play ball
- Playing basketball
- Play pin-pon
- drawing and pinting

Name: Mauricio Miranda Pinto.
List number: 12

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