lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Animals and contamination

Contamination is killing animals. Oil spills, fires, waste materials, acid rain are some of the reasons animals are dying. What can we do to help animals? Is there a posible way to sabe some species?


Recycling is a very important step to help nature, we can avoid contamination by transforming waste into a different and useful thing. Do you recycle?, How can you motivate people to recycle?

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

English traditions

There are many beautiful English traditions, Saint Patrick's day, Saint Valentine's, Thanks Giving day, are just a few of them. Which English tradition do you know? Would you like to experience it? Why?

English humor

English humor is very different to ours, they laugh at different things and situations, it lacks that typical chilean “touch”. Do you understand english humor?, Do you like it? What’s your opinion?

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014


Humans are destroying the Earth, factories and lack of care are killing animals and plants every day, Is it important to care for nature? What can we do to protect it? Tell us your best ideas.

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

American or British?

There are two major tendencies in learning  English, American or British. Some people say British is best, others say it is boring. For some American is cool, for others it is too informal.
Which oe do you prefer? Why?

viernes, 27 de junio de 2014

Healthy habits

Following a healthy routine is really important, we can adopt a lot of  actions to be healthier, we can eat fruits and vegetables, exercise and rest and sleep. Do you have a healthy routine? What do you do to keep healthy?, What would you change?

Physical activity

Physical activity is something very important for us, we can keep fit, healthy and strong just by exercising a couple of minutes everyday. Do you like exercising?, How often do you exercise? What are the benefits of physical activity?

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

People that changed history

Many people has changed the course of history, some through science, art, medicine, and so on. One of my favorite is Beethoven, I can say that he change music from its basis, he change the way to compose and perform music. After him everything was different, I guess that without him modern music would not exist.
Who is your favorite character from history? Why?

Fictional heroes

There's a universe full of great heroes and nice characters that make us dream and laugh, some of them come from comics, books, movies, cartoons and even legends. One of my favorite characters is Sherlock Holmes, he is a genial, intelligent, extravagant and brave all at the same time, no matters how difficult is a crime, he will discover everything about it.
Well, What about your favorite character?

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014

Welcome back!!

Welcome back to a new school year!!! Have a good start, study, work hard, learn and enjoy!!