viernes, 27 de junio de 2014

Physical activity

Physical activity is something very important for us, we can keep fit, healthy and strong just by exercising a couple of minutes everyday. Do you like exercising?, How often do you exercise? What are the benefits of physical activity?

31 comentarios:

  1. Yes I like to exercise, i do three or four times a week wing, these benefits are fit, you feel good, etc.

    By: Javier Sepúlveda Narea

  2. I like it very much, I exercise twice a week
    the main benefit is to be in good health

    Valentina Iribarren.

  3. I like the exercise; I do gymnastics at school, dance in the academy, and in my home also do sports like jogging, walking, cycling and basketball. I workout every day. The benefits I doing physical activity are: stay in shape, be healthy and grow healthy.

    By: katherine Mery Cortés

  4. I like the exercise,I exercise twice a week in academy and physical training in the school also way home,The benefits of doing physical activity are good health and stay in shap and release stress.

    Camila Catalan :3

  5. I do not do exercises often but if i do a little of everything weekends

    By: Valentina huerta

  6. if playing wing ball two or three veses a week
    the benefits of physical activity are having better physical condition. -

    by: vinka olivares :)

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. I like do exercise, also Ido everyday as walk and bicycling, this help to my muscles to be firm.

    By: Josefa Abarca Alvear.

  9. if I like it, almost always do, have stronger bones and be healthier.

    by: kálen guzman

  10. I exercise and I keep fit by playing ball and skateboarding, what benefits this brings me to be with a good physical condition.

  11. Yes, I love it. I make 2 Times Sport Week, The Benefits Of Making Physical Activity Is Full But We Can Be A Life...
    Antonia Osorio

  12. Yes i like to exercice, one hour everyday, we can be healthy without any disease.

    By: Noelia Torres

  13. Yes i like to exercise, i do exercise two times a week, because it helps improve muscle.

    BY: Alvaro Dinamarca Castillo

  14. do not do much exercise, the benefits it brings physical activity are to be fit and have a healthy life

    By:Krishna Vivanco

  15. I like to exercise, i do exercise two times a week, volleyball in academia and the benefits are having a fit, healthy and lead a healthy life.

    Diana Echeverria□□□

  16. I like to exercise, I do gymnastics, I like jogging, and dancing is very useful to be fit and have a healthy life.
    By: Bárbara Rojas.

  17. I love the exercise, I do exercise every day, the sports that more practice is soccer, because are my favorite sport. The benefits that the exercise gived me are:a good body,good health,and also relax me a lot.

  18. I don't like to exercise, but the benefits are: having a fit and lead a healthy life.

    By: Ethiel Castillo

  19. I like to exercise and have a good physical condition, exercise is important because it keeps you healthy and strong

  20. Yes, in fact I love exercise but unfortunately I do nothing of physical activity, benificios would be a good, healthy lifestyle and stronger bones.

    By: Sofia J. Cortes G.

  21. I like football because it is fun and exciting, it is also good for health
    sebastian torres

  22. I like to exercise, play volleyball and ride a bike. The benefits are: healtin life

    Catalina vera

  23. I dont Do very exercises, i do exercises two times in the week :D

    -Gindell Aguirre Vergara

  24. I love basketball because it is fun and helps me focus better

  25. yes, i love the exercise, i love dancing and use my skate

  26. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  27. If, I me like to exercise, once a week, since it is healthy. You feel very well.
    - Pablo.

  28. yes I like to exercise, i do five or six times a week wing and often I go to skate.

    by:juan pablo orrego

  29. Yes I me like to exercise with my sister I go out in the week to run sometimes.

  30. i like the exercise, i love the skate and walk in the beach

  31. yeah i practise spor: volleyball and gymnastics because they are entertaining
