Animals and contamination

Contamination is killing animals. Oil spills, fires, waste materials, acid rain are some of the reasons animals are dying. What can we do to help animals? Is there a posible way to sabe some species?

30 comentarios:

primaryschoolceb dijo...

my can help to animals : not pollute , ,not mistreat ,
yes not kill animals and adopt

valentina ulloa
thyare robles

primaryschoolceb dijo...

look after our surroundings without harming it, yes creating a canmping to look after all the species

mathias rojo y cristobal perez

primaryschoolceb dijo...

1.-That it can do is contact stop throwing trash in the rivers, stop polluting the environment and so we would do them no harm to animals.

2.-Yes, us can take care of more the nature and the animals, there is less death of the animals.

Cristina Yáñez y Antonia Gahona.

primaryschoolceb dijo...

the contamination affect a the animals in the humano . the contamination star from the factory .

from:lukas garry
bastian bugueño

primaryschoolceb dijo...

xddddd from:pablo lobos

Unknown dijo...

reduce the huting of animals,
build natural recerves to save the species in danger of extintion

Daniela Gomez A.
Pablo Valenzuela

Unknown dijo...

can help the animals:
-no pollution air
-no pollition the water
-no acid rain
-no oil spill
yes,in a natural reserve

-josé luis ibacache
-cristian valencia(assassingamer401)

primaryschoolceb dijo...

saludo a feña

primaryschoolceb dijo...


primaryschoolceb dijo...

1:R/can help animals clean your habitat,create regulation of protection animal.
to make sensitive on the peoples and explain the important that are the animals.


primaryschoolceb dijo...

the contamination affect a the animals in the humano . the contamination to begin from the factory .

from: lukas garry
bastian bugueño

primaryschoolceb dijo...

1.- can we help to the animals looking, fighting for the pollute, not mistreat.
2.-yes, not contaminate, not killing and looking their enviroment.

viviana luna y maria pinto.

primaryschoolceb dijo...

1°we can help the not pollution is environmet, not drop litter where live.
2°the yes there is protec,make refuge, etc.... and one thousand more that were .

name: Francisca Pavat and Dominique Guerrero.

Blacktruca dijo...

the publication is very good. me like
know about everything that happening in the world

Elias troya

Camilo rojas

primaryschoolceb dijo...

1°we can help the not pollution is environmet, not drop litter where live.
2°the yes there is protec,make refuge, etc.... and one thousand more that were .

name: Francisca Pavat and Dominique Guerrero.

primaryschoolceb dijo...

elixd nob

primaryschoolceb dijo...

-can let the pollution with Oil spills, fires, waste materials, acid rain etc. no produce smog and reforest place.

-no catch species in danger the extinction and protec refuge specialised with all the care requiere for his protection.

harlette robledo - veronica gallardo
7° basico

primaryschoolceb dijo...

Blogger AssassinGamer 401 y elixd es nob

primaryschoolceb dijo...

Blogger AssassinGamer 401 y elixd es nob

primaryschoolceb dijo...

1° Not contaminate the environment, use less smog, takin tare the place of the animal, not pour oil a los lake, river, ocean, etc....
2° yes, because we can help a many species rescue.

javiera morales y debora alfaro

primaryschoolceb dijo...

Snake gamer 9000 y
AssassinGamer 401 nob son

primaryschoolceb dijo...

- no throwing trash on the ground.
-adopt animals
-not do harm to animals .
-winning money
-make campaing

by: alejandro berenguela
pablo castillo

primaryschoolceb dijo...

1. The contamination affect, also to the animals.
Miss contamination from:
Fires fores, waste (Paper, plastic glass, metal) and oil spill.
no pullition of water
-By: fernanda bonilla and Belen avalos

primaryschoolceb dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Unknown dijo...

1-no contaminate the environment and clean the habitat of them.

2-make campaign pro of the cleaning.
-adopting to animals in danger.

by:alonso molina.
vicente aracena.

primaryschoolceb dijo...

we can help to animals not polluting the environment for what is secure for animals.

we can save species not polluting the environment.

exequiel vera
tomas rojas

primaryschoolceb dijo...

virus pro

Unknown dijo...

antisipate and aboid that the animals be in danger

evacuate them the place since happen the event
nicolas tabilo y felipe jimenez

primaryschoolceb dijo...

I believe that should hire more,guards coastal.that take chargen of whatching what no boastspon't spilloil to the. i so the animals could be protected and insurance.

alumnos: tihare flores yañez y luzcas bacia

primaryschoolceb dijo...

1.- the humans have help the animals and look after his environment is it time that not contaminate

2.- we can overcome a the animals not contamination and care for
cristian.m y andres

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