
Sports are a great activity, they give us health, relax and a very good time, people can keep fit and healthy. I don't practice sports but I like some on TV, I like rugby, gymnastics and motor racing. Which is your favorite sport? Why?

10 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

My favorite sport is football, it entertains and relaxes me, makes me burn calories and is a good hobby. My position is the goalkeeper and one of my dreams is to become a great player.

Raúl Álvarez

Anónimo dijo...
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Anónimo dijo...

My favorite sport is taekwondo because it improves my reflexes and relaxes me, my fellow taekwondo help me as my teacher, is entertaining and very tiring.

Gonzalo Ignacio Albanez

Matias Morales dijo...

My favorite sport is cycling and I can feel the adrenaline and speed on each pedal, go too fast and sometimes to go buy it more fun.

Matias Morales Ahumada
No. 24

primaryschoolceb dijo...
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primaryschoolceb dijo...

My favorite sport is the skate, because is very funny. I like skating in the park " Pedro de Valdivia" with my friends... in the summer i am going to go skating.

Isidora Verónica Munizaga Flores

primaryschoolceb dijo...

my favorite sport is the karate,because this sport relaxing and exhausted in the practise, is a good hobbie for free time.

Mariana Campos Perez

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My favorite sport is dancing because it relaxes me, entertains me and I like and is very easy to practice.

Lissette Alfaro

N° De lista: 3

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My favorite sport is soccer, it's fun, I run a lot. Before taxes to Academi, the santa ines, we were many children and we amused ourselves playing.

Vicente Pérez

primaryschoolceb dijo...

Hello, my favorite sport is gymnastics rhythmic as it is very pretty with their jumps and great fleccilidad, I also like the riding with jumps horses and different types of these I would like to practice.

Javiera Godoy
No. 16

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