lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

Learning new languages

Speaking different languages is really necessary, you have access to more information, opportunities, and culture. All of your chances to study and get a better job increase enormously, it's a great advantage over the people who don't speak more than one language.

If I had the chance I'd learn German, Italian and Chinese. What about you? What language would you like to learn?

30 comentarios:

  1. I would like to speak english because it is a very useful language, that you can learn in many countries. Also, I listen to a lot of songs in english, for example Rihanna, Katy Perry, Eminem, etc. Furthermore, it's great fun to learn and also it makes us more cultured and highly educated.

    Fernando Perry


  2. I would like to speak English because the language is known and spoken by most people and celebrities such as my favorite artist Justin Bieber.
    I would like to know how to speak this language as it is very interesting and difficult to learn because it has many rules but would be great culturisarme with this language.

    Name:Constanza Bahamondes
    Number of list: 5

  3. I would like to learn more English because it is a language these days is imprensindible by tourism in chile qe is to communicate with others by tourists qe Cantii wound to the country and is so necessary.

    name: Gabriela Luna
    List number: 18

  4. language that I would like to speak is English, because English is now the language with which one can communicate better in the mundo.Vayas where you go, where they speak a different language than yours, English is the main tool communication.

    javiera yañez

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. I would like to speak English, because it's like a universal language. In order to travel and visit the most beautiful places of Los Angeles who, in my opinion is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and to understand my favorite artists just by listening.
    name: Yaresli Torres
    nº list: 29

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. I'd like to learn to speak English to translate or understand things more things in English and also would serve me for later

    name: Gabriel Gahona
    number list: 12

  9. I would like to speak English because it is a universal language and also to travel and communicate more easily with others, that language also be a universal language to give more job opportunities

    Name: Luis silva
    N°: 27

  10. I would like to learn to speak English because it is a very beautiful language, besides many countries speak English and I would be helpful if you ever travel to a country where they speak the national language and because just like me with this cute culturizar Language.

    Name: Camila Contreras
    List Number: 7

  11. I would like to learn to speak German, because my favorite band sings in that language. I would also like to speak French, because I love France.
    Name: Catalina Ríos
    Number list: 24

  12. The language I like to learn is English because it is one of the most widely used languages ​​today when you travel abroad, such as the United States, Canada, etc..
    It's complicated but constant research I can do.

    Name: Tamara Morales
    List Number: 19

  13. I like the language is Greek learning and thus be able to go to Greece as to know their history and understand why the modern Greece and it is somewhat complicated
    Name: Mauro Zeballos
    No.: 31

  14. I'd like to learn to speak French, because it is a language, for me especially is "elegant" and I also like the way they pronounce, and also to communicate with people there because I would like to stay and live.
    name: Guillermo Castro (36)

  15. the English language is very interesting and has many benefits, most English speaking countries, so we need to know a bit (minimum) of the English language but also the other languages ​​are used, I would love to know French, also Portuguese, and many more .. singers who sing also I like English a lot, like justin biber, justin timberlake, miley cyrus, demy lovato, cody simpson ...

    romina vera(32)

  16. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  17. I would like to speak English because I find it interesting language, modern, contemporary, nice, well-used by other people. Justin Bieber also speaks English, and I love everything about him, I would like someday to get to learn that language professionally.

    valesca ángel (4)

  18. I would like to learn to speak English because ,is used throughout the world. apart is very interesting and I like the songs are in English and must know how to pronounce the language.

    Pía Alfaro
    number of list: 2

  19. I would like to speak Chinese because it is interesting and future will be a world power and will open new ways of life and China's great and interesting

    name: felipe Tabilo
    No.: 28

  20. I would like to speak English and is very useful to get jobs in different countries

    Pablo Caceres
    List Number: 6

  21. I would like to speak English and is very useful to get jobs in different countries

    Pablo Caceres
    List Number: 6

  22. I would like to speak English because today is a widely used language, serves much and you culturisa more´

    ·~Paula Gonzalez
    List 14

  23. I Would like to speak English because it is the universal language and because many of the jobs call for that language.
    Alex Flores
    number: 11

  24. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  25. I'd like to learn English because they do not use winds and is the second language you should ablate the demand for any work at the stranger and alludaria me to understand and communicate better in another country, it is very inportant ablate two or more languages ​​because opens an infinite possibility of work

    by: mauro Albasini

  26. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  27. I Would like to learn Chinese because the Chinese now sell everything and I sirviria for work, to learn about their culture if a day trip to nurse

    Juan Pinto (23) lml

  28. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  29. I'd like to learn to speak English to get a better understanding of what is ignifican things, I also would serve to relate better to a stranger and especially for work opportunities.

    Benjax zapata lml

  30. the language that I like to learn is English because I find it super interezante to rest many people can speak, and the biggest stars speak that language and be great to learn to understand much better what they say.

    Barbara Jopia
    nº List: 17
