martes, 4 de octubre de 2011


Celebrations and festivals are the best way to keep our roots and traditions alive, people dance, receive and give presents, eat special things, play among other activities. My favorite celebration is Christmas, it is a quite celebration to spend with our family.

What is your favorite celebration? Why? What do you usually do?

8 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. My favorite celebration is my birthday because I receive many gifts and I usually take a walk to the pools.
    As my birthday is on January 7 Verabar is my most anticipated day

    Lissette Guerrero C.
    n° de lista : 16

  3. My favorite celebration is new years ,because it celebrates very well and it is amused because i celebrate it whith my family,there i dance,game with my cousins,see the artificial game,we burnt ourselves by the new year and we passed itvery well.

    Javiera Godoy R.

    Nª de lista : 13

  4. The celebration that I like is Christmas, because I share with my family, play, eat goodies and opened gifts together.

    Name: Matias Morales A.
    List No.: 20

  5. My favorite celebration is Christmas, that is a December 25.
    I like because we are in family, there are many rich things to eat, they give me gifts and game with my cousin.

    Name: Vicente Pérez Canelo
    N° of list: 23

  6. My favorite holiday is Christmas because I receive amazing gifts and spent all day with my family this is what we most want.

    yeraldy piñones
    n-lista: 25

  7. The celebrations that bring my family and I like to share with them, such as Christmas, my birthday, New Year and national holidays. But the more I like Christmas because the environment is different and you can see peace and love for the birth of Jesus.

    n° lista:3

  8. My favorite celebration is my birthday, because naci in the same date that my great-grandfather and my uncle. Always we celebrate together with many families, we met in house of my great-grandmother.
    Besides the fact that I realize that I am growing.
    I play with my cousins and receive many gifts surprises.

    name: Bastian Rodriguez F.
    N. Of list:28.
