domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

Food games for 5th graders

Take a look at the following games. Play, enjoy and learn.

Good luck.

martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

Links for 6th graders.

Dear students, take a look at this, click here to find the link for Unit V.- Celebrations. Study, practice and enjoy.

Good luck!!

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

Links for Unit 5 Food and drinks, 5th Grade

Play and study using the hypertext of your textbook. Try each activity, click here to go to the unit.

Links for Test n°2, 7th Grade

Here you have some links to practice Simple Present in negative forms, practice and study hard.

Good luck!!


Humans are destroying our planet, smog, litter and dirt are everywhere around us. What do you think is the worst problem? Pollution? Smog? the Ozone Layer depletion? other?

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011


Celebrations and festivals are the best way to keep our roots and traditions alive, people dance, receive and give presents, eat special things, play among other activities. My favorite celebration is Christmas, it is a quite celebration to spend with our family.

What is your favorite celebration? Why? What do you usually do?

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

Learning new languages

Speaking different languages is really necessary, you have access to more information, opportunities, and culture. All of your chances to study and get a better job increase enormously, it's a great advantage over the people who don't speak more than one language.

If I had the chance I'd learn German, Italian and Chinese. What about you? What language would you like to learn?