
Sports are nice to see and practice. There are sports for all kind of people, ball sports, extreme sports, indoor, outdoor and so on. I don't practice sports, but I like to watch so sports on tv from time to time. I think rugby, formula 1 and hockey are great and nice. What sport do you like the most?, Do you practice any sport? or Do you just watch them on tv too?

11 comentarios:

primaryschoolceb dijo...
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primaryschoolceb dijo...

My favorite sport is swimming and volleyball.
The sport is volleyball practice more often.
Sports that are in televicion and I are swimming, soccer, dance etc.

nombre: carla araya
curso: 7 basico
n de lista: 2

Valee' dijo...

The sport I like most is the volleyball and swimming.
Not particularly practical voleibal, swimming, dancing, etc..
If sometimes I basquetboll, soccer, ballet, voleibal, swimming.

Nombre:Valentina Huerta
Nº de lista: 7

nicolas barrios dijo...
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nicolas barrios dijo...

I like table tennis for that I entertain and relax. In addition I enjoy very much this sport and also me see in tv.

Nicolás Barrios

n° de lista:03

7° Básico

Valentina dijo...

The sport I like most is volleyball, but sometimes I practice from time to time and sometimes nomas vee sports on television.

Nombre: Valentina Pizarro.
curso : 7º básico.
nºde lista:16

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My favorite sport is cycling because I entertain a lot and I like it.
Not playing sport, ride a bike, only sometimes.
On television I see sports such as swimming.
Name:Carolain Miranda
List number : 11

Rafa Guerra Pavez dijo...

I like many sports, among those sports I like Taekwondo, Table Tennis, Speed ​​Skating and Volleyball.
Yes, I practice table tennis at school. All sports that I like and ever practiced. I do not like watching sports on TV I see only boxing with my dad.

Name: Rafael Guerra Pavez
Grade: 7º Basic
Nº List: 38

PalytaPatricialml dijo...
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PalytaPatricialml dijo...

My favorite sport is rhythmic gymnastics, I like it or not held.
I also like volleyball because it is a very entertaining and having a good time playing:)

Name:Paulina Villalobos
Number List:26
Grade: 7mo Basico

carolina orengo dijo...

I like sport biking more is because I find it fun to play, the sport that I practice so far is figure skating
nombre: carolina orengo
curso: 7 basico
n de lista: 13

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