Living in other country is very attractive and a source of many different opportunities, you can get a better job, the best education, oportunities to travel and visit amazing places. Well, if you had the opportunity of living abroad, what country would you choose?, In my case, I'd choose Australia, it's a friendly and beautiful country.
I can choose the country of Paris, of which me encantaria to know better the culture and the education also in the Eiffel Tower since it turns out to be to me very attractive to visit.
ResponderEliminarIn what me podria to complicate to be to adapt in his language and culture before tendria that to study very much.
Name:Constanza B
Number of list:5
England is one of the four constituent countries of the United Unido.En the city of London you can see some of the world's most recognizable icons, such as Big Ben, built in the nineteenth century that caught fire and almost completely 1834.Tambien can visit the Tower Bridge, London Zoo, The London Planetarium, among others. It is a place where you can find many beautiful things.
ResponderEliminarWhat it would cost me to get used to being away from my family and getting used to speak English fluently
Name: Camila Contreras
List Number: 7
I would choose Italy because it is a very beautiful country and a culture very wide, one of its cities is Rome that has many stories of battles and defeats a well-known is the tower of Pisa and the Coliseum and Roman heritage became Iraqi cultural
ResponderEliminarby: mauro albasini
I would choose to Germany, because it is a country with great culture and beautiful scenery as the German Alps and imposing castles.
ResponderEliminarIt would cost me to adapt to their culture but their language would cost me a little more.
Name: felipe Tabilo
List number: 28
I would choose Australia because it is a very interesting country for its people and its history and has lots of islands.
ResponderEliminarhas a great culture and a wonderful flora and fauna.
would cost me to adapt to their language.
name: Gabriela Luna
List number: 18
New Zelanda is an island country in Oceania is located in the southwest Pacific Ocean consisting of two large islands: the North Island and South Island. His languages are English and Maori.
ResponderEliminarIt is very cute, has a great culture of Maori and monuments.
Would be hard to learn to speak English fluently and those are years and years of practice.
My Name: Tamara Morales
List number: 19
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ResponderEliminarThe country more attractive to me is canada. you can visit the historical center , City Hall, the Cathedral St. Michael, the Welsh Princess Theatre among others. the language is more complicated because in a short time is difficult to learn, but with practice in your language would be great to travel to canada.
ResponderEliminarname: Pía Alfaro
List number: 2
Australia is the country more attractive to me because I could visit the Sydney Opera House, takes time to learn the language because it is complicated.
ResponderEliminarIt has many forests and a very interesting flora and fauna, animals in Australia caught my attention is the kangaroo.
For me it is a beautiful country, interesting and broad cultural level, what I call the attention of this country is that most people are on the coasts, but the center of this country is practically a forest.
Name: Yaresli Torres
Number of list: 29
The country chosen by me, is Brazil is located in South America, I would love to know it, know more about their culture and deepened in that country and its beaches are beautiful and green nature has no comparison. A vital people, Dionysian possessing unique cultural and historical traditions, creator of delicious cuisine marina, a captivating folklore, the carnival holiday.
ResponderEliminarHis language, I will bring problems poruqe Portuguese is not an easy language to learn.
In my case, I would choose Finland as it is becoming a major tourist destination in northern Europe. Finland is also known for the multitude of lakes and forests, and traditional saunas that spread across the country. And I think the language is not so difficult, (smiles). That's why I have chosen.
ResponderEliminarName: Catalina Rios
Number of list: 24
I would go to Wales as a place that tine some interesting things, for example. The first radio transmission was made in Gales.Canada world explored and discovered a car galés.El invented by a Welshman.
ResponderEliminarName: Felipe Diaz
List number: 9
I would go to Wales as a place that tine some interesting things, for example. The first radio transmission was made in Gales.Canada world explored and discovered a car galés.El invented by a Welshman.
ResponderEliminarName: Felipe Diaz
List number: 9
I would like to go to Australia, that catches my attention more than anything, the kangaroo, I find nice and pretty like his national monument
ResponderEliminarName: Luis Silva
N°: 27
living in America is attractive because it has because it has other cultures and better job opportunities and remuneration in Chile and has attractive places to visit
ResponderEliminarsuch as Disney World's Magic Kingdom, Disney Land Park, National Park Great Smoky Mountains
Name: Alex Flores
Course: 8 th grade
No: 11
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ResponderEliminarI live in England because it is a nice place, clean and I also like to know the Big Ben and the things that would give me culture there.
ResponderEliminarName: JuanPinto
Nº List: 23
England is very beatiful country,has many beautiful places and teh food is nice, the costumbers are incredible.I would love visit Palace of Westminster has a beautiful architecture... also like visit London is very beatiful city has many beautiful shops and things to do,example walk the streets and go to restaurants...also You can see very humble people.
ResponderEliminarI Love England!!!
I live in Australia for a country that is clean and has some wonderful beaches and the Sydney Opera House is beautiful.
ResponderEliminarName: Benja
to me the country that I like mexico because it is a peaceful country, entertaining, and more by their culture, religion and other things like their songs in serenades and stuff. Mexico is a country of many famous material things, but by their actions, so I like.
ResponderEliminarGuillermo Castro (memo)
im choose Australia, so beautiful deserts place of kangaroo so must rude animal to protec the baby kangaroo.
ResponderEliminarand the sport making kangaroo so kickboxing so very rude sport but the kangaroo most strong remain as boss of herd.
so beautiful place full of culture to visit.
Name:Felipe Cortes Bolvaran
number list:8
The country I'd like to visit is Australia. I would like to know the desert where of the kangaroos, beaches where there are these gigantic waves and learn their culture
ResponderEliminarBut not really knowing the language could be lost in the city
one of the countries that I like and speak English, is England, is one of the most recognized in the world for its architecture, culture and other things
ResponderEliminarName:Gabriel Gahona
Number of list: 12
one of the countries that I like and speak English, is England, is one of the most recognized in the world for its architecture, culture and other things
ResponderEliminarName:Gabriel Gahona
Number of list: 12
choose the country that would peru by their culture, and know the machupichu munomentos and in language I do not cost much even if you have new words and unfamiliar to me.
ResponderEliminarname: Pablo galleguillos
number list:13
I would choose New York because I would like to know the Statue of Liberty, to know their culture and thus be able to adapt fast to be there, plus it would be fun to learn a new city and enjoy its beautiful scenery.
ResponderEliminarName: Mauro Zeballos
List No.: 31
I can choose the country of Greece, of which I love to learn more about the culture, but in the gods they worshiped, and who happens to be very attractive for me to visit.
ResponderEliminarAs could complicate me to adapt their language.
name:Roberto G.
number of list:15
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ResponderEliminarI would choose Canada for their culture, their beliefs, to conoser Okanagan Lake, its parks, the guard citizenship and many places over this beautiful country. "
ResponderEliminarBut what would hinder me the language and do not understand much English
Name: Romina Vera
List number: 32
The country that I like to live is the United States because it has very beautiful landscapes such as in New York is Central Park is beautiful in addition to advanced technology, and their language is very interesting.
ResponderEliminarBarbara Jopia
Nº List: 17