lunes, 18 de abril de 2011


Legends and myths are an important part of many cultures, they explain events, give reasons for unexplained phenomena and tell the origin of things. One of my favorite legends is the story of Medusa, she was a beautiful, innocent and attractive young woman who was cursed by Athenea because of Zeus. She turned into an evil woman who can kill with just a single look.

What is your favorite legend?

26 comentarios:

  1. The Nun's Cup, or the Nun of San Juan de Dios
    It is located in San Juan de Dios Hospital (City of San José), one of the oldest hospitals in Costa Rica than in the past was attended by religious, or colloquially, nuns. They were dressed in white and wore a headdress shaped high paper boat.
    Legend has it that a nun, quite moody denied water to anyone who requested it, or disregarded the last wish of a dying (a glass of water) and let it die without drinking. The nun, sorry, now worth the corridors of the hospital offering a glass to the sick. Many say that the drink heal miraculously.
    By: Catalina Rios
    Number list: 24

  2. Their dress is a conical hat like the rest of his clothes are made ​​of quilineja, a plant trepadoracon which says it is able to cut any tree with just three hits. The inhabitants of Chiloé have their legends that creature has enormous strength, its origin is uncertain, although it said it would be a bastard son of the mythical snake Caicai, born of the union of the anger he felt the snake to the humans, and ingratitude that many men have to the sea, everything that gives us
    Valesca Angel

  3. I like more the history of the Caleuche question, in short, that if by chance a person, witch is not about the Caleuche simple becomes a floating tree, and if the individual tries to steal the tree, it back. Other times it becomes a rock or any other object and becomes invisible.
    The crew become lions or waterfowl. and this story comes from southern Chile

    guillermo castro
    number list: 36

  4. The three Easter is a well-known legend in southern Chile, there are three sisters. Thatday went to the lake to wash clothes, singing songs.
    One day I saw a very handsome young man and fell madly in love him. The next day theyoung man began to play with your heart first with the girl, then with the girl, and then the middle, then one day discovered that this young man was playing with their hearts wereinterned in quiet waters, these stirred forming a whirlpool. A tremor shook his fund. Thewater overflowed, and returning to normal, this took the form of quarter moon.

    NAME: Tamara Morales A.
    List No.: 19

  5. my favorite is legend el caleuche , I love the idea of what a ship called "The Caleuche" kidnap people ... it's great legend chiloe I would love to live in some day to see if the boat leans over to my house..


  6. my favorite legend is "la pinco" is awesome what you can do when it draws men to the sea and kill drowning with so beutiful these mens is stupids jajajaja


  7. My favorite legend is:
    The Pincoya:
    appears in the mitolgia chilota as a beautiful young woman who rises from the water prufundas and dance on the beach, dressed only in algae. if the dance is performed by looking at the sea in the NEXT season will be much fishing, but if you do looking at the land, fish will be scarce.

    name:Pia Alfaro
    number list: 2

  8. A taxi driver returned to carry a passenger on a lonely mountain road, to his surprise finds a new customer on the shoulder of the road. Man settles into the backseat of the taxi and give an address, but the place is unknown to the driver the passenger agrees to guide you to reach your destination.
    Pass through small villages, roads pass gradually forgotten and the driver starts to fret. After driving a while turn back and ask the passengers where they are. Doing so surprised last to see that the passenger has disappeared, but doubts are solved where they are: on the precipice about to leave that mark on the severity who speed and course.

    Name:Camila Contreras Godoy
    List number: 7

  9. Legend has it that the Caleuche is a ship that sails and roam the seas of Chiloé and southern channels.

    It is manned by powerful sorcerers, and on dark nights is lavishly illuminated. In his voyages, aboard constantly listening to music. Hidden in the midst of a dense fog, which he produces. Never sail in the light of day.

    If by chance a person, witch is not about the Caleuche simple becomes a floating tree, and if the individual tries to steal the tree, it recedes. Other times it becomes a rock or any other object and becomes invisible.
    The crew become lions or waterfowl.

    They report that the crew have only one leg to walk and the other is folded back, so go by leaps and bounds. They are all idiots and forgetful, to ensure the secrecy of what happens on board.

    Name: Mauro Luna Zeballos
    List No.: 31

  10. Pincoya
    is a siren or nymph who inhabits the coast of Chiloe, sometimes favors fishing and other times is scarce, if fishing is often in the same place she gets angry and leaves the place and this is no fish.

    name: Gabriela luna.
    nº list:18

  11. The Trauco, is a small man, is not more than eighty feet high, forms distinctly masculine, ugly face, though look sweet, charming and sexy, her legs end in stumps simple without feet, wearing a threadbare suit quilineja and a cap of the same material in his right hand holds a stone ax, which replaces a cane something twisted, the Pahueldún, when facing a girl.

    Mothers take every precaution to prevent their daughters, and "single", traveling alone to the mountain, in search of firewood or leaves "radal" for the "deciduous" of sheep, it is usually in the course of these tasks, when "get" or more properly "breathes"with its "pahueldún, lonely girls, but not if they are accompanied, even younger siblings.
    The Trauco not acting in front of witnesses ... this, always alert, he spends much of the day hanging on the hook for a big "ticket", waiting for his victim.


    NUMBER: 11

  12. the Caleuche is a ship that sails and roam the seas of Chiloé and southern channels.

    It is manned by powerful sorcerers, and on dark nights is lavishly illuminated. In his voyages, aboard constantly listening to music. Hidden in the midst of a dense fog, which he produces. Never sail in the light of day.

    If by chance a person, witch is not about the Caleuche simple becomes a floating tree, and if the individual tries to steal the tree, it recedes. Other times it becomes a rock or any other object and becomes invisible.
    The crew become lions or waterfowl.

    They report that the crew have only one leg to walk and the other is folded back, so go by leaps and bounds. They are all idiots and forgetful, to ensure the secrecy of what happens on board.


    NUMBER: 27

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  14. In Guatavita's village in the former Colombia, his chief realized a fantastic rite: his body was applying a sticky substance, adding the thinnest cap of ground gold; achieving a fantastic appearance. They called it " golden man ", whom then they would accompany up to Siecha's lagoon, where it would finish the rite of abundance.
    This way they were placing it in a raft provided with magic powders, up to coming to the center of the lagoon where the Indian chief was jumping to the water; leaving the most beautiful fingerprint of the gold in powder. It would be the sign of good auguries. And though in 1527, the Indians Muysca would triumph with the race guatavita, there would persist the myth of " The Gilding " that had his origin in that " golden man ", that the Spanish knew, increasing the greed of his adventure mad to find " the kingdom of the gold "
    name: matias alvarez cerezo
    N° : 3

  15. The Trauco, is a small man, no larger than 80 centimeters tall, markedly masculine forms,ugly face,though look sweet,wearing a threadbare suit of quilineja,in his right hand holds a stone ax,that replaces by un cane something twisted.
    es the spirit love fecund,creator of the new life,father natural children,It lives in forests near homes Chiloé.

    name: javiera yañes
    number list: 33

  16. The legend says there was a mountain in the center of the island. It Evenor lived with his wife and his only daughter Leucippe Cleito. Poseidon, god of the sea, fell in love with the beautiful Cleito and had sexual intercourse with her​​. God, jealous of
    men, sank the ground and isolated hill where she lived, creating alternating areas of water and land. Hot springs and cold water around the place, and made the land to grow all kinds of food in abundance.

    Cleito gave birth to five pairs of male twins. Poseidon then divided the island into ten parts, giving the eldest son of the first pair of his mother's house and surrounding land, and made ​​him king over others. For the others he made princes, and gave them a large territory. The eldest of these sons named him Atlas and it's island and the ocean were called Atlantic.
    The sons of Poseidon originated royal dynasties. And then, the rule of the Atlanteans extended to Egypt and Tirrena. The island produced the bulk of that required for the uses of life, beginning with the oricalco, solid metal fuse copper and shone like that then existed at many sites on the island, and was more precious then gold .


    NUMBER: 9

  17. My favorite is the Pincoya legend is said to have the appearance of a beautiful teenager, incomparable charm and sweetness.
    This legend is well known in Chiloe is said to comes from the depths of the sea, semi dressed in a suit of algae, leaving the beaches to dance she can do that fishing is scarce or abundant.
    Name:Constanza B
    Number list:5

  18. Legend of Chiloé
    The Trauco, is a small man, is not more than eighty feet high, forms distinctly manly and ugly face.
    The Trauco not acting in front of witnesses ... this, always alert, he spends much of the day hanging on the hook for a big "ticket", waiting for his victim.
    As the months pass, they will appreciate changes in the body of the girl possessed by the Trauco.
    By: Yaresli Torres

  19. This legend was born in Coyoacan, when the Great Tenochtitlan was stained with blood and bodies to be defeated by the conquerors. To find them dead, the mothers who lost their children went mad with pain. The best known version is that La Llorona was a woman who hanged her children and threw them into a river. His neighbors, realizing such infamy, suspended. Since then his soul worth the canals and rivers and called in the hope of finding them, grieve with his famous: "Oh my children ... oh my children!". Some neighborhood of Coyoacan and Xochimilco say they've seen happen in the morning in the streets or paddling a canoe.

    name: romina vera
    list number: 32

  20. This legend was born in Coyoacan, when the Great Tenochtitlan was stained with blood and bodies to be defeated by the conquerors. To find them dead, the mothers who lost their children went mad with pain. The best known version is that La Llorona was a woman who hanged her children and threw them into a river. His neighbors, realizing such infamy, suspended. Since then his soul worth the canals and rivers and called in the hope of finding them, grieve with his famous: "Oh my children ... oh my children!". Some neighborhood of Coyoacan and Xochimilco say they've seen happen in the morning in the streets or paddling a canoe.
    name: romina Vera
    list number: 32

  21. She and he had never seen. Born in the same country and in the same city but lived in the antipodes, each on the opposite side of the world. When was the day for one to the other was at night and vice versa. When an error casual ties between bytes and megabytes, and could not help knowing a little more. Over time they perceive that their clocks ahead or delays twelve hours. Every time you say good morning and good night felt every feeling good morning good night. With each step they took thought they had the feeling of advancing to meet him, every word seemed to resound in the other and heard each sentence seemed to come from each. Every gesture inadvertently transformed into a signal, a watchword in the distance, every breath seemed to bear and bring your breath. And spent the days and months, minutes and seconds while I was growing up in happiness in a strange and mysterious force brought them together more and more and more with the same attraction that pulls two elementary subatomic particles to travel the world of art to end, from top to bottom, corner to corner to spot one day meet face to face and kiss and kiss and not be separated in this life Neverland.

    Juan Pinto (23)

  22. Pandora is the first woman, as Eve in the Judeo-Christian religion. Hephaestus (god of fire) the modeled image of the immortal, and obtained the help of Athena (goddess of wisdom). Zeus orders his creation to punish the human race, because Prometheus had stolen the divine fire to give to men.

    Each god gave Pandora a quality such as beauty, grace, persuasion, and habildad manual, including, but Hermes (messenger of the gods, and interpreter of the divine will) put in his heart lies and deceit .

    According to Works and Days of Hesiod, had a jar that contained all the evils. Pandora barely saw it, opened it and let the evils from flooding the land. By the time managed to close the jar, the only thing left inside was hope, so that humans did not. From this myth comes from the term 'open Pandora's box. "In this tradition, Pandora is the bane of humanity as Eva.

    Name: felipe Tabilo
    List number:28

  23. in Antofagasta at night a girlfriend appears and asks alos ahy truckers who pass through the ride to your destination. But when camion takes valocidadle says no so fast and when trucker flipped vere face women disappears and camion crashes. This legend is based on an engaged couple ue were in a car and collided with a truck and the couple died but the woman looking for Come on apres

    name: Pablo Caceres

    List number: 6

  24. in Antofagasta at night a girlfriend appears and asks alos ahy truckers who pass through the ride to your destination. But when camion takes valocidadle says no so fast and when trucker flipped vere face women disappears and camion crashes. This legend is based on an engaged couple ue were in a car and collided with a truck and the couple died but the woman looking for Come on apres

    name: Pablo Caceres

    List number: 6

  25. My favorite legend is that of Caleuche, it was a ghost ship that sails the seas of the south of Chiloé, is said to be manned by sorcerers and have one leg and the other bent back. Also commented that listening to music and just browse at night, that anyone who approaches him is transformed into a wolf or driftwood.

    By Mauro Albasini
    Number list 1
    Sorry for the delay.

  26. My favorite legend is that of Caleuche, it was a ghost ship that sails the seas of the south of Chiloé, is said to be manned by sorcerers and have one leg and the other bent back. Also commented that listening to music and just browse at night, that anyone who approaches him is transformed into a wolf or driftwood.

    By Mauro Albasini
    Number list 1
    Sorry for the delay.
