I have a lot of favorite things, they are nice and great. What I love the most is ice cream, they are cool!!!! I love computers, watching movies and English too. I like reading, playing music and going out. Something I don't like is having beans for lunch and the things I hate are football, reggaeton and cumbias.
What about you? What are your favorite things?
I have favorite things , they very amusiing as : crema , camping ,the countraside and i love riding horses and i hate porotos .
ResponderEliminarI love to play whiat and dog , ver my things favorite
javiera godoy rojas
6 basico
I have a lot of favorite things, they are nice and amusing as: the chocolate, the ice cream, listen to music, too I love swiming.
ResponderEliminarThe things I hate are lentil and sing.
Pamela gomez
6º Básico
im favorite thing is:looking the stars and moon in the night i love
ResponderEliminarice crem of chocolate and strawberry.
but the hate class of maths
Mariana Campos Peréz
nº de lista:8
have a lot of favorite things, they are nice and amusing as: the chocolate, the ice cream, listen to music. and I have things I dislike as eating beans, I like to go to Homecenter Sodimac to vitriniar, and some class not really like me.
ResponderEliminarLissette alfaro
nª de lista:36
I have many favorite things that I love like dancing, singing, swimming and biking and eating pizza, chips, cheese pies, ice cream, I also love going to the cinema to see films are entertaining. But things that I like is rock and history classes.
ResponderEliminarCatalina Godoy Anacona
6° Básico
N° de lista 12
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ResponderEliminarMy favorite things are first the futboll, me much likes to play in championships. Also I like the ice cream and the cake of eggplant they are my flavor favorite.y to play pley. are my favorite things
ResponderEliminarBastian Rodriguez F.
6 basico.
n-de lista 28.
I have favorite things ,theyamusiing as:crema,city,hochey i love riding chicken
ResponderEliminari ,love play soccer,ver my things favorite
yeraldy piñones
6 basico
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarI like playing ball, playing in the cumputador "wild ones", riding skate.En lunch I like to eat French fries with chicken nuggets frozen dessert with chocolate sauce. Listen to all kinds of music. What I like is to eat beans, chickpeas. I do not like walking
ResponderEliminarJavier Segovia V
nºlista 32
I like to play soccer, play station, computer, to the hidden, the plundered, xbox 360, play 3 and biking
ResponderEliminarI do not like studying, singing, dancing, basketball player
raul avarez araya
n de lista:3
6º basico
I have a lot of favorite things one of them is the computer, i like chocolate and also listen to hear reggeton.
ResponderEliminarI love to leave in family and fun, i don"t like really want to stay in the house without doing nothing.
And finally i like to play with my dog.
Lissette guerrero. c
Nº de lista 16
I like playing volleyball, dancing, Being with my friends, watch TV, and mathematics
ResponderEliminarI do not like singing and story biking.
javiera flores
Nº de lista
The things I like are: playing computer, drawing my comick, play pokemon, eat candy and enjoy my family.
ResponderEliminarI do not like horror stories.
Matias Morales
No. 20
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarI like play soccer and tennis, listen to music and play computer.Also I like to eat ice cream and milk chocolate;
ResponderEliminarI don´t like eat meat and to read.
Vicente Pérez Canelo
6º básico
número de lista: 23
I like, games computer, to extract the football when Max walks my dog for the park and to see television.
ResponderEliminarI do not like early awakening, and the vegetables.-
Matias Berenguela tapia
6º Basico
I have many favorites, I love animals and so I have a rabbit. I like going to the beach, play x-box, roller blading and biking with my friends.
ResponderEliminarI do not like lentils, beans or chickpeas, but I have to eat ...
6º AÑO
Hello my name is Susan:
ResponderEliminarwhat I like to do is:
I love to sing sing and dance too much I like horseback riding or strolling through the cities that have snow so I would like to be:
When I grow up I would like to be chile Police investigations
Susana Àlvarez Pazos
6º Basico
Nº de lista 5
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favorite thing is chocolate, I like listening to music, animals, and also play with my friends and have fun
ResponderEliminarMy other favorite thing is to play xbox 360.
name: Melissa Rojas
grade: 6ºbasico.