martes, 12 de octubre de 2010


Transformers is a great and fantastic movie about intelligent robots from outer space. I think it is a good story with incredible special effects, action scenes and a lot of technology. My favorite scene is the fight between autobots and decepticons in the city downtown, it is cool.

Did you like it? What's your opinion?

24 comentarios:

  1. The movie I was hooked, it was very entertaining and the part that I liked most was when the car began to play the songs right at the right time

    by: Camila Contreras Godoy
    Course: 7 th grade

  2. if the party in the struggle of the Autobots and Decepticons, my opinion is the movie is very good and fun
    Name: Felipe Diaz
    course: 7 º

  3. For me the movie was very good and entertaining, since it has a few special very good and surprising effects. I do not have a favorite part of the movie, but yes, I liked much whenever a normal car was going and suddenly it was transforming in a robot to help Sam and his companion.

    Name: Bárbara Julio Cartes
    Class: 7º grade
    Nº List: 20

  4. the movie is very entertaining, My favorite part was when the fight with the Autobots desepticon

    name: gabriel gahona

  5. The film is very amusing and good taste me much and can be clearly seen some values very important as the friendship

    name:Gabriela luna

    number of list: 21

  6. the movie I was hooked, is the second time I see and I will tire of seeing the part that I liked most was when they bought the car and all the windows of other cars were broken

    by: Paula Gonzales
    Course: 7 th grade

  7. Transformers is a movie with great action and lots of special effects. megusta much the part where the robots come to earth and start the war between the Autobots and desepticos ....

    name: Alex Flores
    course: 7 th grade

  8. the movie is very entertaining, and the part I liked most was when the boy was watching the car and broke all the other windows of cars and also when he began the battle of the Autobots and Decepticons

    Name: javiera yañez
    course: 7 th grade

  9. I liked the movie for its special done by cash and is amusing.
    the part that I liked most was when I removed the legs bumblebee

    Name: felipe Tabilo
    List number: 36

  10. It is a very entertaining and enterteining movie because it was of action and I am charmed with these things. The part qe mas me taste was when they transformed for the first time in the movie

    name:valesca angel
    course: 7 th grade

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. the movie was very good by special effects. the part that I liked was when robot becomes a very luxurious car and much better than the previous.

    name:Pia Alfaro
    number list: 1

  13. if I liked the movie. My opinion is that once I found fantastic and funny. Does this happen in real life? hope so, because I like the way they used the visual effects for this movie. If you could classify it would put five stars ...
    By: Catalina Rios
    Number List: 31

  14. The Transformers movie I liked very much because it has many special effects and the story itself is very good. the scene that I liked most was the soldier's reunion with her family and Sam and the girl were in love.

    Name: Yaresli Torres
    List number: 37

  15. me parecio enternained because habia action and I like the park that the grandfather sam witwicky discovers that the transformers were under the ice and salian in search of the bucket that contenia the spark crystal thay was giving life to the machines they wanted to destroy the spark crystal to stop to megatron.

    name:donela antipani
    course:7 th grade
    number list: 45

  16. The Transformers movie I liked because it was of great action and great effects.
    the scene that I liked most was when Sam falls in love with Mikaela and begins to show his skills with his great car without knowing it's a great robot.

    My Name: Tamara Morales.
    Nº List.: 22

  17. My favorite part of the movie is when the father leads it to seeing a car for the son and he thinks that it is going to give him the modern one
    And it is a joke and sees that the father takes it to a sale of old cars.
    The movie I like very much for that it has action great.

    Nombre: Javiera Valencia
    N ° Lista: 38

  18. I liked the movie if the plot is, the part that I liked most was when they began to fight in the city

    Name: Luis Siva
    Course: 35

  19. I really liked the movie porq tine action and emotion and is suitable for the whole family is very OOD fernando navarro list number 25

  20. My favorite scene is when the Autobots end up with the terror that created the Decepticons in the center of town and my opinion is that it is a very good movie with lots of special effects but it's really cool especially the idea that the fall of space robots
    Name: Mauro Luna Zeballos
    Course: 7 th grade
    List no: 39

  21. I really liked the movie because it combines science fiction with cars and my favorite part is when the Autobots and Decepticons face off in the city to retrieve the bucket for what decepticons wanted to rule the world with their power, instead, the Autobots wanted to protect the human race

    Name: Pablo Cáceres

    course: 7 th grade

    List Number: 5

  22. I really liked this movie because it has a lot of action, adventure and suspense.
    the part that I liked most was the end that had a lot of action.

    NAME: valeria rodriguez

  23. I liked the movie because what counts is interesting and has much fantasy.

    Name: Javiera Moyano
    Number List: 23

  24. I like this movie, because it is interesting, of action and fantasy.
    The part that mas I like when the Autobots started fighting against the Decepticons.
    I had liked that all the Autobots were surviving in the fight.
    Name:Constanza Bahamoindes
    Nº list:4
