sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010


Free time activities, sports and hobbies are very important for everyone, the give you opportunities to rest and forget about school and job for a couple of hours. People love listening to music, play football, meeting friends and some more activities. My favorite activities are surfing internet because I get a lot of things, watch videos, read articles or news, listen to online music.

What's your favorite hobby?

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is the biggest love story ever, it has been in movies, books, songs and more. It is a story full of subtle details of a love story between teens, sacrifice, generosity and other values are shown on it.

What's your opinion about the story? Did you like it? Why?


Transformers is a great and fantastic movie about intelligent robots from outer space. I think it is a good story with incredible special effects, action scenes and a lot of technology. My favorite scene is the fight between autobots and decepticons in the city downtown, it is cool.

Did you like it? What's your opinion?