What's the matter?

All of us have had a cold, headache or stomachache, some are very regular and common. I suffer a lot of headaches, so I take an aspirine and rest until I recover. How about you, What's your common pain or illness?, What do you do to get better?

12 comentarios:

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My illness is common colds, is generally more prevalent in the winter, cand s strong cold I have to stay in bed and I can not go to school or play with my friends.

To improve, my mom cooks me herbal tea, and take remedies such as paracetamol, so I am quick off the cold and discomfort.

Name: Mauricio Miranda Pinto.
Grade: 5º basic.

primaryschoolceb dijo...

The discomfort that gives me generally is the migraine. I treat it desansando, taking paracetamol and not exposing so much moment moment to the solar beams.

nombre:Nicolás barrios
nºde lista:nº3

primaryschoolceb dijo...

para la faringitis tu deves tomar medicina y el inhalador

name:katalina trujillo
grade:5to basico

primaryschoolceb dijo...

engliclashoulder gripe solusions . I treat it desansandou . my mon

cooks me herbal tea , it taking .

name :francisca millao . 5 basico

primaryschoolceb dijo...

my illness is common flu and sore throat. to improve influenza and sore throat is good to take a lemon and you stay in bed

name:jose valencia
grade:5ª basic

PalytaPatricialml dijo...

My illness is more common colds.Generally affects me more in the winter. When I chilled my mom cooks me tea and gave me a paracetamol for fever down a bit. But if it's a bit strong leads me to the doctor.

Name : Paulina Villalobos Orrego
Grade : 5° Basic.
N° List : 29

darlyncitax dijo...

My headache or stomach is the stomach because I've always gives colic and improve lead me to the doctor and I get a Vaun and give me some pills to take every 8 horas.Luego I feel much better.

Name: Darlyn martinez
Year: 5 º basico
List No.: 14

primaryschoolceb dijo...

my illness is stomach pain and for that drink water from Mt.
Also I have a headache and it took some aspirin.

name:Carolain miranda
grade:5° basic.

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My pain is common headaches and stomachaches and remedies to improve or remedy is to take paracetamol for pain and stomach to drink water from Mt.

Name: Valentina Pizarro
List Number: 19
Year: 5 º Basico

amiucs dijo...

When it comes to hobbies I can't name just one.
Since I have a pretty busy schedule at school, my
spare time is mostly weekends and vacations but
sometimes I have some leisure time at the end of the easier days, which I usually devote to reading. Generally speaking
I enjoy outings, trekking, everything concerning mountain hiking: rappelling, climbing, tirolian, canoeing, but I also am partial to music and the computer, especially when it comes to processing images in Photoshop to forums and blogs. I wish to perfect myself further.

it is correct? grammar?

primaryschoolceb dijo...

The disease common that I have is the cold and in order that me the resfio passes I take an aspirin and after a few days it me passes

Name: bravo Fernando
curso:5º basic
nº of lista:4

Dimanche a Paris dijo...

I often suffer from stomachaches! A lot of them! When I am feeling a little sick I drink some medicinal tea and I recover easily!

Chile habla Inglés