lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009


Sports are a very important activity, they keep you healthy and fit. Some people like practicing sports, for example football, tennis, basketball, etc., other people prefer to watch sports, maybe on TV, or live matches. I don't practce sports, but I like watching F1 races, they are cool and exciting.
How about you?

23 comentarios:

  1. My name is Cristian my favorite sport is Footbal and Tennis, like practice and watching them of TV


  2. hello,i like basketball and other sports,but the must important is basketball,i like play of team or single in trainer
    by: angelo canales

  3. my name is matias and my favorite sport is basketball and table tennis


  4. hello my name is emmanuel carvajal
    and my favorite sport is football.
    beecause is very entertaining and healthy

  5. I like sports, I practiced the sport was swimming a long time since an illness I can roast other sports and I also like to see the Futboll by television

  6. hello my favorite sports are soccer and table tennis mainly

    By: Daniel Rodriguez

  7. Hello my name is daniela newman, my favorite sport is the volleyball, is very entertaining and I like to see it for TV

    bye bye

  8. hello my name is Carla and my favorite sport is tennis and also on occasions I like swimming I like to practice these sports in my spare time.

    by:carla cortés

  9. Hello, my name is Esteban and my favorite sport is football, I love to practice it and of course, i like to watch it in TV, in channels like CDF for example.

    By: Esteban Rojas. Class:7°B

  10. Hi, my name is Daniel Cortes and i like table tennis and a bit the football.

  11. Hallo,my favourite sports are football and table tennis,but most football.I like see it in t.v and it's played in a field...

    auf Wiedersehen! Belén Tetzner!

  12. hello my name carlos my favorite sport is football,tennis and table tennis

    by:carlos spano baldecchi

  13. Hello my name is Felipe Yanez, my favorite sport is soccer, when I want to play football with my friends going to the football field, or play in the street, I see football on television or go to the stadium of La Serena

    By:Felipe Yáñez.

  14. Hello!!! my name is Patricia Rojas. My favorite sport is swimming and I like to see soccer for TV.

    By: Patricia Rojas C.

  15. I am practical swimming implements g. of swimming pool, at estady too TV swimming important sports (important sports event)

    Olimpic games: London 2012
    Rio 2016

    Some sports:gymmastics, swimming.etc
    My favorite sports is swimming and volleyball.

    Swimming like practice and watching them of TV.


  16. Im: hernan.... like to play football, to see it for the televison and to see it in the stadium

  17. The sport is a good way of good spending it and forms a of being kept healthy, I like the football, tennis of table and the tennis, because there q to move very much and asks for a good coordination.
    Also much likes to look at his sport for the T.V and for Internet.

    Héctor Riquelme
    Bye bye!!

  18. hello my favorite sport is motor racing, soccer and table tennis. I like watch car racing and soccer on TV.


  19. My name is Patricia, and my favorite sport is swimming, played sports before but not anymore.

    By: Patricia Contreras

  20. Hola my name is David Alfaro my sport favorite is table tennis and practice football

    By:David Alfaro Varas

  21. my favorite sport is voleiball, I practice every Tuesday at my school, I like all sports, is fun

    name:catalina herrera

  22. my favorite sport is basketball.
    game every Tuesday. I see on television and I practice. I like basketball

    by: maria catalina millao

  23. my name is valentina paez ,and my favorite sport is swimming, played sports before but not anymore.
