Special things

Many people have done things that are special or not common. Some people have played unusual sports, eaten exotic food or just met famous people. In my case I have played in many concerts and one of the most special is when the orchestra I played in played with Los Jaivas in Vicuña, it has been a nice memory for many years.
How about you? What special things have you done?

28 comentarios:

primaryschoolceb dijo...

This experience was very exciting because a notebook earns for my notes and I it give the Government of Chile. And this date closely together of my birthday and it is furthermore happy and thrill you, I am happy with this news because I not tape-worm a notebook. It is an experience that will never forget her in my life.

Javiera Valencia

primaryschoolceb dijo...
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primaryschoolceb dijo...

but one of my best experiences was when I won the computer and scholarship for first place my parents were very excited as I am too. and I am very happy because now more kids won the computer not just two as before. That day was very exciting

name : pia alfaro
number list: 1

primaryschoolceb dijo...

I believe that the best experience that and had(taken) apart from a notebook winning me it(he,she) is to go out in the diary from very girl and to be interviewed for since(as) I go to empesar my summers(summer) vacations.
yaresli torres 34

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My best experience is when I travel to seen my relatives, they live in southern chile, Seventh Region, the city I curico ta llico the publ.

There are very beautiful lufares such as lakes.

my grandfather is a very good person he works as a baker and merchant.

I am very happy in that place

name: fernando navarro gallardo
number list:21

primaryschoolceb dijo...
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primaryschoolceb dijo...

The major experience that I had in my life was when murio my granny spends(passes) many pains but fuin loudly for my breast and my family.
Another experencia that was important is when I had to my dogs the queria so much that not tape-worm feeling mas big in the world.
Name:Constanza Bahamondes
Number list:4

primaryschoolceb dijo...

tube the experince that I was the birth of my sister and I made chili biajes

primaryschoolceb dijo...

I have ice-skating and swimming also have seen many artists, singers and music groups such as cristian Ocaranza, the group's night and Marco Antonio Solis

By: Camila Contreras Godoy
Course: Basic 6th

alex dijo...
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alex dijo...

My best experience is when my dad gives me the car for the drive but when I'm good and also when my hasmter
gives birth

Name: Alex Flores

Course: Basic 6th

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My better experience has been to there win me a notebook that gives the government, my effort and my good notes, this moment was special because my dads felt proud of my. My another great experience was when I was to Santiago, the palace visits the currency, it(he) was beautiful and giant, also I was to fantasilanda, this if that was an experience, spends(passes) it very well

Valesca Angel

primaryschoolceb dijo...

This moment was so exciting for me when I met the lead singer of the group King Leo the evening that day was the happiest for me and when typical dishes known or even more

name:Alison Sagua Godoy

Number list: 28

primaryschoolceb dijo...

This moment was so exciting for me when I met the lead singer of the group King Leo the evening that day was the happiest for me and when typical dishes known or even more

primaryschoolceb dijo...

This moment was so exciting for me when I met the lead singer of the group King Leo the evening that day was the happiest for me and when typical dishes known or even more

primaryschoolceb dijo...

I think that every moment or every situation for which we happen in the life is a special moment, but principally whenever we share something that we like with our family or friends it is much more special.
Up to the moment what is special for me, was the moment that I could accompany my sister in his ceremony of licentiate, was a moment in that my family and I we were very happy.

Name: Barbara Julio Cartes
Nº list: 17

primaryschoolceb dijo...

This moment was so exciting for me when I met the lead singer of the group King Leo the evening that day was the happiest for me and when typical d
ishes known or even more

primaryschoolceb dijo...

This moment was so exciting for me when I met the lead singer of the group King Leo the evening that day was the happiest for me and when typical dishes known or even more

name:Alison Sagua Godoy

number list:28

primaryschoolceb dijo...

One day I went to a canping with my family, lots of fun swimming in the pool with my friends and my father also played football and ate a great deal, we were very satisfied atardeser to our homes to take eleven and expect another fun day

name:cristobal jeldrez

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My best experience was when he told me that wins with eight children plus a notebook for my notes and I'm too happy and will wait until I deliver it in March 2010

mauro zeballos

felipe dijo...
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felipe dijo...

the best was when we went with my family on vacation to the island of Chiloe and hopped on the ferry and crusades Chacao channel and also when I went to the observatory and observe estrellas.Esta Mamalluca is the best experience I've had so far

Felipe Tabilo

primaryschoolceb dijo...

one of my best experiences was going to a concert by my favorite band and the pass very well known and could also travel to Santiago was the best for sure this experience was not the best and never forget.

name:Barbara Jopia
number list:16

primaryschoolceb dijo...

I went to illapel went to haver auto racing, and visit my old neighbors

Name: Matias espindola rios

Number: -[11]-

primaryschoolceb dijo...

I went to the beach, juge tennis with friends and went to Santiago with my sister

Luis Silva

primaryschoolceb dijo...



Anónimo dijo...

My best experience was when I went to southern Chile, was the best trip I've done, it was very entertaining and cultural.
Another one of my best experiences was out of my third place in school, my parents were proud and happy.
My name: Tamara Morales
List Number: 19

alex dijo...

I like the arrival of my cousin Ignacio to play xbox 360 and play and ride a bike to play ball
Alex Flores
7th Basic

Chile habla Inglés