My best friend

We always have many friends, people we share with, but only a few can be called best friends. One of my best friends is called Marcelo, he is an english teacher too, we met at the university and became very good friends. We still get together and talk about a lot of things, he is honest, funny, reliable and he helps me when I need some advice.
Who is your best friend?

30 comentarios:

catalina maturana dijo...

My best friend is andre catalina herrera GALVAN she is honest and helps me in times difisiles (tests)
my name is:catalina maturana

long live rabbit

primaryschoolceb dijo...

my best friend is daniela Newman.
she is a very good friend,reliable and me helps in good and bat.
my names is: carla cortés

primaryschoolceb dijo...

my best friend is Hector Varela(TITO) he is very good friend and very amicably
7 Basico


primaryschoolceb dijo...
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primaryschoolceb dijo...

my best friend is Claudio Tapia
he is honest and good friend and helps in times dificcult
By:David Alfaro Varas

XD ¬¬ -.- *_* .-.

angelo dijo...

My best friend is Belén Tetzner
she is honest, trustworthy, nice, dries very good grades, and it helps me a perfect friend.

by:angelo canales

catalina herrera dijo...

my best friend is catalina maturana she is mad and helps in moment difisiles
my name is catalina herrera

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My best friend's name calls himself Catalina Herrera
she is very good friend, it is reliable and also nice.

My name is: Alines Pareja

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My best friend is Angelo Canales because is funny,reliable,cares for me,supports me, accompanies me in all...etc.(er liebt mich sehr und ich auch :$)

Belén Tetzner

primaryschoolceb dijo...

I have many friends and lady friends but my best friend is named cristhofer we shared many event experienceds in life every day at the high school the you are reliable and good person, you have a good sense of humor and you are generous .
My best friends are my parents which I can confide all that passes me in, that it is important in to have good friends at home they teach us very much and do the life but amusing.

my name is Esteban Rojas

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My best friend is Diego Jose Paolo Gonzalez Aguilera, understands me of what I speak to him and supports me and helps me in what can, to be of confidence and funny

My name is: Héctor Riquelme.
7º Basic

Daniel Rodriguez dijo...

My best friend is Mauricio , is a good friend, reliable, friendly, and can rely on.

By:Daniel Rodriguez

ivan dijo...

my best friend is hector varela(tito), he is honest, reliable and he like play football

By: Emmanuel Carvajal Juica
7º Basico

primaryschoolceb dijo...

my best friend is katia,ninoska tamara,daniela and francisco because help me with my problems, make me laugh and are very reliable

name:carolina herrera

primaryschoolceb dijo...

My best friends are Hector Riquelme, Diego Gonzalez, David Alfaro and Nicolas Robledo, they help me in my problems and I them help them and they are amicable and funny

By: Daniel Cortés
7º Basic.

Anix122 dijo...

My best friend is carolina,ninoska tamara.They are my best friends: always they help me in everything and are reliable.
by katia

primaryschoolceb dijo...

my best friend is called Diego G., share our things, activities, secret, etc..
laugh, play and enjoy all things.
He is a great friend and very reliable with a can in the good and bad.

by:Felipe Yañez

primaryschoolceb dijo...

Hello my name is daniela newman, my best friend is carolina herrera because it(she) is honest, nice and reliable.

Name: daniela newman
7 basic

francisco(pancho) dijo...

my best friend is angelo channel is not very responsible and intelligent but tells me his secrets and I him.

by:francisco muñoz

primaryschoolceb dijo...



primaryschoolceb dijo...

my best friend is Patricio Molina, Carlitos Spano, Daniel Rodriguez, Francisco Munoz, Emmanuel Carvajal.
because they are loyal, honest, are fun, helps me in good and bad.


primaryschoolceb dijo...

my best friends is matias,patricio,daniel,hector that is reliable and the good friends and loyal

By:Carlos Spano

primaryschoolceb dijo...

the name of my best friend is francisco the fun is a tall and skinny little silly sometimes helps me tell you all my secrets (do not ask secrets)

name: Matias Bonilla Castillo
7° basic

primaryschoolceb dijo...

my best friend is karla toro she is honest loyal and exsellen friend

mi name is :barbara araya

........ dijo...

my best friend is rocio troquian
is honest, good friends, etc.
by: cristopher claveria

primaryschoolceb dijo...

my best friend is HECTOR RIQUELME is honest and helps me in times difisiles

name:Diego González

primaryschoolceb dijo...

my name is sebastian tapia and my best friends are: nicolas Robledo, diego gonsales y Felipe Yañes.

by:sebastian tapia 7º basico

primaryschoolceb dijo...
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primaryschoolceb dijo...

my name is hernan:my best friend hector varela he is honest,loyal and reliable

J.N. dijo...

My name is Nicolas Vega, my best friend is Jorge Rodriguez is generouse and serius

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