miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2008

My favorite celebration

Every person has a favorite celebration, for some Christmas is great, for others New Year. My favorite celebration are birthdays because they are happy parties, full of music, food and friends.
How about you?

37 comentarios:

  1. Hello my name is Cristian Pinto and my favorite clebreacion is chrismas and my birthday

  2. Hello my name is David Alfaro and my favorite clebreacion is a day of the father and my birthday

  3. Hello,i'm Belen and this is my favourite celebration:the national party,that begins on september 18th
    With my mother,my father and my sisters we go together to my aunt's house in the Elqui Valley.We cook bread meat,and roast meat,and we use to enjoy very much with my family dancing,singing and joking between ourseelves.

  4. hello mi name is valentina paez and my favorite celebration is my birthday, because me entertain and resive many presen; alsop share whith my family.

  5. hello my name is emmanuel carvajal and my favorite celebration is christmas because celebrate the birthday of Jesu; also ¨new year¨ because to iniciate a ohe year more and share with our family.

  6. Hello, i´m Daniel Cortés and my favorite celebratios is: the national party, birthday of: grand mother, mother(new year) and my birthday and chrismas.

  7. hello,Iam Barbara Perucich this is my favorite celebration is :my birthday and chrismas;My birthday is October 30 th My Family to be entertain en My Birthday;The chrismas is December 25 th My Family to be entertain because receive gift.

    By:Barbara perucich

  8. hello,my celebration favorite is:christmas
    the my family.
    my mother, my father and sister.

    and birthday.

    by francisca nuñoz

  9. hello my name is catalina herrera my favorite celebration is chrismas and birthday

  10. Hello, i'm Hernan Alfaro and the more like celebration to my, is the new year, to share first my family, we are embrace to the midnight, before drink chamagne withice cream. Before to go burn the monkey of cloth, and burn the old year.
    To share embrace with my neighbour and friends of my neighborhood.

  11. Hello, i'm Ninoska Ledezma an the more important celebration forme, is my birthday. I am the more happy people, is the 20th of november. This day to share with my family and my friends. I am unvitations to drink tea with candy, soft drink and maybe hotdog. Before play and winnip prize to deliver bag of candy, break pot full of sweets, see the move and the end, eat cake and open the present.
    This is my favorite day and i am the more happy persons in the world.

  12. Hi! I'm Benjamín. My favorite celebration is Halloween (October 31º). The childrens go in the night to disguise to the homes for beg sweets and candys. Bye! That is every friends!

    By Benjamín Vilchez, a genius, the boss.

  13. Hello My name is Maria jose milla and my favorite celebration is hallowen(31 october)and my birthday

  14. My favorite celebration is chrismas and birthday,my birthday is 23rd and chrismas is 25th.

  15. hello!!! my name is Hector Riquelme.
    My favorite celebration is:
    -My bhirtday.
    -new year.

  16. Hello my name is Patricia Contreras and my favorite celebration is Christmas. On this date I feel very happy together my family and I like open all my presents that my parents and any others members of my family give me.

  17. hello my name is Carolina Herrera and my favorite celebration is Christmas and my birthday

    From Carolina Herrera
    6 ° básico

  18. The date thal I Prer is my birthday because it is the day that I pas in family the give gifts and I see my Ovalle grandparents.

  19. The date thal I Prer is my birthday because it is the day that I pas in family the give gifts and I see my Ovalle grandparents.

    Patricia Rojas
    6 basico

  20. my celebracion favorite is chrismas , birthday,new year and children s day.

    by katia.

  21. My name is Diego González and my favorite celebration is Christmas because I and my family are united and happys. It´s to celebrate in December the 24th and 25 th.

  22. Hello, my name he is Esteban Rojas and my favorite celebration is Christmas and my birthday both are important for my and my family because both join us about something special.

  23. My favorite celebration is the New Year because it is a day of joy family.

    By Carla
    Grade: 6º

  24. Chirsmas time is my favorite celebration because we share with the family give present to each other, altend to church, eat our favorite food and wait until widnight to open present and play with my cousines

    By: Carlos Spano

  25. hi my name is Daniel Rodriguez and my favorite celebration is the September 18, Coquimbo I will make a barbecue with my family and have fun with toys and Volantín typical month.

    by: Daniel Rodriguez

  26. hi my name is Patricio Molina my favorite celebration is: December 25 Christmas, the family joins more on that date.
    by:Pricio Andres molina paniagua

  27. Hello, my favorite celebration is my birthday it is 3rd november and new year it is 1st january.

    by:angelo canales.

  28. Hello, My name is Daniela Newman Olivares, I have 11 years, my favorite day is Christmas, because is a little while of familiar union, of compartment and happiness, in addition I like to receive gifts.
    Daniela Newman OLivares.
    6° Basic

  29. My name is Matias Bonilla, my favarite celebration is happy birthday.

    by: Matias Bonilla

  30. my Christmas celebration faborite is why we can all share our happiness with the family.

    By:Francisco Munoz

  31. hello my name is cataluina maturana and my favorite celebration is easter and crishmas

    bay bay

    (long live rabbit)

  32. hello my name is Tamara Véliz and my favorite celebration is: that begins on september 18th, my birthday and christhmas..........................


  33. hello my name is valesca angel and my favorite is color pinck ,listen to music and watch tv.

  34. hello my name is valesca angel my favorite is watch tv , color heavenly and pink and celebration is my birthday and listen to music...

    Valesca angel 5 basico.

  35. My name is camila rodriguez is my favorite day to September ai 18 because my family is quite joined and we spend (pass) it very well and there is always joined the family of my mom and that of my quality and I always spend (pass) it brilliantly (genially) this day, and I like when they celebrate the birthday of my family.

  36. Hi! I'm Benjamín. My favorite celebration is Christmas, because us to join in family, to have presents, a dinner, music, dance and joy.

    By Benjamín Vilchez

  37. my favorite celebration is my brithday whats is the 18 of septembre the same day of nacional party of chile
