The most important invention

Lots of inventions are important and relevant for our every day life, others have changed the world, eduaction, medicine, etc. in your opinion, Which is the most important invention? Why?

30 comentarios:

Mari paz dijo...

I think than the invention more important is the electricity, because without she not podriamos do all the than we in our life daily, as ignite the light of an ampoule, warm with a stove, inter alias.
By María Paz

nasho! dijo...

I think than the invention more important is the internet because is whith one big diccionary, the people can comunicate through messenger or mail, also for play online games, and anothers.

by ignacio gonzalez!!

:[=]: dijo...

I believe that the invention is most important because electricity is one of the main forms of energy used in today's world, without it the lighting, communication, telephone, radio could not exist and transport would not be the same as now in today's world.

By Lorehto

:[=]: dijo...

I think the most important invention is the Internet thanks to this because we do not have to search encyclopedias, books and delay in changing the entire Internet is much faster and there are more varieties of information

By Nicolee

:[=]: dijo...

I think that one of the most important inventions is electricity, is needed because today objects technological needed electricity for use mainly in artifacts from home

By Valentina Rojas

:[=]: dijo...
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:[=]: dijo...

I think that without electricity because she could not run things from home, without electricity and ampoules would not be living in darkness and we do not fared well

By Gabriiel Rojas

naxo carrizo dijo...

the invention is most important is the electricity because without electricity no would have(ligh bulb, computers, radios,TV, etc..) apart electricity also is the most important is wheel because without wheel would not cars no what trasladariamos.

by Ignacio Carrizo

Unknown dijo...

I think the most important invention is the Internet and to connect with friends, details of current events around the world and many other useful things you can do

By Jorge Jauriat

Anónimo dijo...

I think that the most important invention is the wheel, because with this element was created a lot of other inventions, that the car, the bike, the motorcycle, etc. Is a simple discovery, but without him other inventions don't be invented or discovered.

by Patricio Gutiérrez ... :P

alexandra dijo...

for me the most important invention of the Internet is rapidly that one can investigate things or carry out important activities.

primaryschoolceb dijo...

the invention that I to believe important is telephone, is very important because help they to meet in the distance, for to give in information and talk. the first telephone him invented Alexander graham bell.


Unknown dijo...

By my, the invention more importantions is the writing who is the shape more common and real of comunication, croos of the writing the human being express the idea, the desire, feeling.

If us invoke principle of the humanity find who the first book writhen "The Biblia" and thus i have invent much book

By Valentina Olivares

Unknown dijo...

the most important invention is the language because without the language we could not communicating and not would avanced
everything that is until today

by daniel hernandez

The_KoOrThéS dijo...
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The_KoOrThéS dijo...

I think the most important invention in history has been the clock and the calendar, because thanks to these two elements, the world is always linked to time. The calendar serves to know the date and important dates, for example: our birthday, Easter, Christmas and New Year. While the clock helps us to: arrive on time to school or work, attend meetings or events, etc..

By KortéS

Anónimo dijo...

I believe that the wheel is the better invention that has made the human being for that I facilitate us the transport in the terrestrial area of a point to another.

pedro. dijo...

for me the most important invention since there is internet webpage google very important as we can immediately find the information we require and many other things we fasilita search

Anónimo dijo...

I think that the most important invention is the electricity, because thanks her is posible use the light, and many others devices than the human need him. The best of electricity is the ilumination, without him only enjoy the solar light.
By Sofía Bolvarán

Anónimo dijo...

The most important invention for me is the internet, because without the internet would impossible talk with the distant people of others countries or cities, we should use the letters. Do not would possible find information with speed, we should use the big books. Altough sometimes we abuse by laziness. In internet the information is 'right now'.
By Valeska Araya

primaryschoolceb dijo...

The most important invention is the ampoule, because to give light with alone pussh an button.

by ariel.

primaryschoolceb dijo...

I think the most important invention is the Internet, because one can know more about an issue and thanks to Internet I am doing this job ...

by nicolas v.

:[=]: dijo...
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:[=]: dijo...
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:[=]: dijo...

I think that electricity is a very important element because without them many things could not be performed and could have many accidents.

By Matias diaz

melixxh! dijo...

The electricity is very good because us serve to every, for much things and don’t contamination in that only fire and good invention that to serve to we all.

Unknown dijo...

I think most important invention in history has been the writing, because thank this element we can communicate, leave an legacy, immortalize events important in history, we can to create miths, histories, write numbers and books, create languages and has developed since man started a reflexively think.
By Alfredo Pizarro

Unknown dijo...

sorry profe po no haberlo subido antes.
By Alfredo

Mari paz dijo...

I think that the most important invention or discovery is the electricity, because without herself (I believe) not to be able to make the customary of whole the day, like for example to guard our food in a freezer, is tell, the refigerator, to look the television, to play in the computer, to print something of a printer, to listen music of radius, to light a bulb or a lamp.

By María Paz
Thank You Teacher.... Bye bye bye

x) dijo...

The computer is the most important invention because it helps us do homework and stay communicated to my computer is no longer a luxury if you do not need

by pabla rojas

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