miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012


This is the story of a beautiful young girl, she tells one thousand tales to save her life, but after the last story she finds true love. Which is your favorite story? Why?

Journey to the center of the Earth

Journey to the center of the Earth is an exciting story about  the wonders of our planet and what is hidden under our feet. We can see the adventures of Axel and the Professor  going to the center of the Earth. What's your opinion about this adventure?

The teacher's secret.

This book contains different stories and characters, we can find Fanta-Ghiro, Nesreddin or Princess Tara.
Which is your favorite story? Why?

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Unit 5 links , 6th Grade

Here you are, the link for unit 5, study, practice and enjoy!!


There are many celebrations around the world, all of them celebrate an interesting event. We can have religious events like Christmas or La Tirana, historical events like Labour Day. What is your favorite celebration? Why?

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012

Links for 6th grade

Take a look at the links for test 1, remember to study unit 4 and part of unit 5. Good luck. Click on the picture to go to the site.

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

Links for test 1, 5th grade

Here you have the links to study for test n°1, click the picture to go to the site.

miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012


There is a lot of great music and styles, we can find rock, rap, metal, romantic and so on. I like rock because I think it is energetic and fun. What's your favorite style?, Who's your favorite singer/ band?

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012


Sports are a great activity, they give us health, relax and a very good time, people can keep fit and healthy. I don't practice sports but I like some on TV, I like rugby, gymnastics and motor racing. Which is your favorite sport? Why?

English Speaking countries

There are many English speaking countries that are really interesting to visit, beause of culture, people, tourist attractions and mor. One of the countries I would like to visit is Australia. It is a very friendly country with beautiful cities and places, a nice weather and many animals.
Which English speaking country would you like to visit? Why?

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

The alphabet, for 5th grade

This is a nice video, pay attention to the pronunciation, watch, listen and repeat the letters.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Free time

Hobbies are cool, they are a relax and a great activity for us to spend our free time. My hobbies are listening to music, surfing internet, reading, watching movies and playing music.
What's your favorite hobby?

Keep fit

Keeping fit is a really important thing, sports and healthy eating give us strength to do everyday activities. There are many ways to keep fit, exercise, sports, diets, sleeping, drinking water and a long etcetera.
Which is the best way to keep fit? Why?

My favorite place in Chile

Chile is full of wonderful places toadmire and visit, we have a long country with a really dry desert in the north and ancient forests in the south, all of this with a long coast and valleys all along.
My favorite place is Frutillar, a great and wonderful little town in the south of Chile, I love the Lake Theater, german küchen, the old traditional German style houses and of course the lake.
What's your favorite place in Chile? Why do you like it?

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

Links for test 2, 5th grade

Here you can find some links to prepare test n°2, click the image to go to the  site.

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

Links for test 2, 6th grade

Better late than never, at last the links for test 2, click here. (remember, the unit is not complete, so you have to be careful)
Good luck and enjoy.

lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

Links for test 1 5th Grade

Hello, here you have some links to prepare your test. Click on the image to go to the site.

martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

Famous celebrations

There are many wonderful and nice celebrations around the world, some of them are based on family, others in religion and so on. I think that Saint Patrick is nice and interesting, people dress in green, there are parades on the streets and people eat and drink some traditional food. Which is your favorite celebration? Tell us about it.

Things I like.

There is a lot of thing I like, some of them are my favorite ones. I love ice cream, listening to music (different styles), watching movies and surfing internet. I like reading and watching documentaries on TV. I enjoy having a walk in the evenings. I hate soccer, reality shows and chick peas, I don't like lazy people too.
That's all about me, so now What about you?

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

My favorite things

There is a lot of things I like, they are my favorite things. I like music, movies, ice cream, reading and drawing. I don't like soccer, reality shows and beans.

What about you?

miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Welcome back

Welcome back!! A new year starts and you have a lot of challenges and interesting things to discover. Remember school is fun and learning is cool.
Best wishes and do your very best!!