miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

My favorite place in Chile

Chile is full of wonderful places toadmire and visit, we have a long country with a really dry desert in the north and ancient forests in the south, all of this with a long coast and valleys all along.
My favorite place is Frutillar, a great and wonderful little town in the south of Chile, I love the Lake Theater, german küchen, the old traditional German style houses and of course the lake.
What's your favorite place in Chile? Why do you like it?

15 comentarios:

  1. Chile is a pretty country, my favorite place is Illapel because this my family, I can play, has many hills to visit and there is a psina, the climate is very warm but beech I have many friends. Another favorite place is Arica, moderate climate, and takes place as the Morro.

    Name: Vicente Perez Canelo
    n the list: 27

  2. Chile is the country where I was born. My favorite city is calm chile porqeu me there I have my grandparents, uncles, cousins ​​and many friends who conosco. other megustan luagares that are Ovalle, ingesa bay, among others.

    Name: matias rodriguez
    n the list: 31

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. In Chile is a country with many beautiful places, but I like Antofagasta because it has a warm climate to go to the beach, also has la portada that is very nice.
    I also visited bahia inglesa is a place with beaches, clear waters and white sand.

    name:Bastian Rodriguez f.
    N list:32

  5. my favorite place in Chile la Serena is my city because I live there a long time, I love his color landscapes that sebenden rich foods throughout the smell quiet life colors there people who live there.

    Name:yeraldy piñones
    N- list:29

  6. Chile is a very beautiful country, but I really like Santiago city, is a great city and that city was my first concert of rock'n roll,There are also spectacular places like the zoo, the interactive museum and others ...

    Name: Sanders Gonzalez Ruiz Aburto
    List nº 20

  7. My favorite place of Chile is Temuco, because there are lots of vegetation and variety of animals such as fireflies, chickens, horses, lizards, mice, beetles, ducks, cows, bulls, eagles, among others and the flower that I liked most was the Copihue our national flower
    So I like Temuco.

    Name: Matias Javier Morales Ahumada.
    N° List: 24

  8. I also find pretty Chile with his flora and fauna specially. To me the place that I more like of this long country is the Valley of the Elqui, with its beautiful, full fields of animals, filled with vines full of grapes which they will be removed for the summer, with its variety of fruits and you hoist, although I does not like the equal fruit I admire them, but I like of that place are his animals enchant to me.

    javiera godoy

  9. My favorite place is Valdivia Chile because it has lots of vegetation, it rains a lot, not too hot, it has beautiful scenery, there is not much pollution.

    Name: Fernando Bravo Muñoz
    List no: 8

  10. I am live in Chile, is a pretty country, my favorite place is the cinema. it is a place in the mall. i visited Mc donalld´s, games and bathroom. while there we watch movie in 3D, eat pop corn and drink juice. i like studying english because i can understand the movies in that languaje.

    name: Isidora Verónica Munizaga Flores.

    N° Lista: 25.

    P.D.: me demore porque la página estaba bloqueada. :-P

  11. My favorite place in Chile is my city and part of James, what I like about my city is that our valleys have vegetation, wildlife and rich food such as corn and cake for our pisco vever Mistral

    Raul Alvarez nº 4

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  14. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  15. I like Vicuña because it is quiet, the houses are made of adobe, has much vejetacion, there is a lot like vejetacion Ovalle Ovalle ecepto that begin to steal.

    Name: Gonzalo Ignacio Albanez Marín

    N° List: 02
