martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

Things I like.

There is a lot of thing I like, some of them are my favorite ones. I love ice cream, listening to music (different styles), watching movies and surfing internet. I like reading and watching documentaries on TV. I enjoy having a walk in the evenings. I hate soccer, reality shows and chick peas, I don't like lazy people too.
That's all about me, so now What about you?

18 comentarios:

  1. There are many things I enjoy doing I like chocolate Ilike listening to music and I like surfing internet and apple . Ilove beans and salad ,I like to watch TV, I love justin bieber and katy perry,I like chips.I hate soccer ,winter and read books .I don't like spiders and snakes .I don't like pepper and blueberries . That's all about me SOFIA CORTES GALLARDO

  2. The things i like:
    I like playing the WII, i like wathcing tv, i love chocolate, i love ice creams, i enjoy vacations, i enjoys music, i like poetry and i love skating in the park, do you like skating?
    The things i don t like:
    I don t like soccer,i don t like beetroot,i don t like religion because is boring, i hate cucumber, do you like cucumber? puaj!.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. I love animals and don't like Justin Bieber, because most of the girls are crazy about him, but I love Selena Gomez, her songs and everything is so cute!.
    I do not like mushrooms, are disgusting, and I enjoy a good grade in school.
    That's all about me ...

    Name:Gabriela Cabrera Miles

  5. I'am like playing ping pong and footbal, i love eating pizza and chocolate and enjoy vacations.
    I don't like dancing cumbias and playing dominoes, i hate sleep at 3 o'clock.

    Name: Vicente Pérez Canelo
    N list: 27

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. I like the music and listening the radio, i love the pizza and the hot-dog,i don't like the fish.I love playing guitar and the soccer.I like my sister Amelia,she is fun.I love the chocolate and the nuss

    sebastiän torres

  8. I like listen to music of all kinds, I like so much on vacation,I love Bruno Mars,I like ice cream.I love surfing internet,I like watch TV much.I don't like beans,I don't like reggaeton, I hate cats. That's all about me......

    name:Sofía Santander.
    nº list: 36

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. I Like Miusic
    I Like Dancing
    I No Like Beans
    I Like Fish And Chip
    I Like Cooking
    I Like Watch Tv

    Name:Antonia Osorio

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. I like to do many things,I love playing football, I like watching TV and movies, eating cookies and beveranges, I like too listen to music, biking and playing WII...but there are things that I dislike, as: Justin Bieber, I hate it!... the beans, lasagna, and ´´humitas´´ I can´t eat.

    By: Hans Brown

  14. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  15. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  16. I love cats and dogs, I also like singing and dancing and sports that I like in life and never fails to do is swimming, and I also like Justin Bieber.

    Name : Catalina Godoy Anacona
    No. of List: 15

  17. hay muchas cosas que me gusta como ver televisión jugar Basquetball, las humitas,jugar ping-pong,jugar con mi hermano,estar con mi mama pero lo que me gusta mas es aprender ingles:por nico valenzuela
