martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010


Macbeth is a terrible story of treason, lack of values and ambition. Macbeth is a fair and brave man who is corrupted by power. Lots of dark characters, and dark events.
What's your opinion about the story? Did you like it?

31 comentarios:

  1. I like me because Knowing that Macduff has joined Malcolm, whom an army is recruiting in England, Macbeth it makes murder to lady Macduff and to his children. Lady Macbeth, to whom it had fallen of the hand the dagger that to try, before his husband, to murder Duncan, and to see in him for a moment his own father, loses the reason and to try to make eliminate uselessly of his hands the vision of the blood; finally he dies.

    7 basico

  2. macbeth I found a bit boring because I had many riddles Decoding me but after that everything seemed just fine with all the blood and the deaths of the characters.

    Name: Benjamin Zapata
    Number list: 43
    Date: 3/11/10
    Grade: 7 basic

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Entertained to me and very good the book of macbeth parecio generally, because one is in as a soldier gets to kill because to his he manipulates it lady being the one that in the end ends up paying all faults. I would like to continue reading other books, similar to this, because one feels as if it estubiese within history.

    Fernando navarro

    7mo basico

    number of list: 25

  5. shakespeare in this work are a story of magic, ambition and betrayal. macbeth tells how a loyal subject of the king, because the stories of witches begins plotting against his king and how this ambition turns against him. is a good work in which is reflected as a set of aspirations can change a person and all the consequences it brings. is a good story that you can enjoy and learn a few things

    Alex Flores

    7ª Basico

  6. macbeth is a great work of shakespear on a soldier who wants to become king, get power and rule of Scotland .and should kill everyone who is crosses his path. is a history de evil and codisia . I really liked this book because it was interesting and so we learn more English, the only detail that was a little bloody but it is an excellent work.

    name:Pía Alfaro
    number list: 1

  7. Macbeth's book and I liked that at the end of each chapter is suspended that forces the reader to read the next chapter to know the truth, moreover I did not like because in the end almost all the characters die.
    Name:Constanza B
    Number of list:4

  8. Macbeth the book is very good pareceio me entertained and it's like getting No one leaves the story is suspense and mystery, the part that I liked most was when they did not know he had killed the king quen

    By: Camila Contreras
    Course: 7 th grade

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. Macbeth is a good work of Shakespeare, but I personally did not like the book, I found this fun little addition to little action and suspense

    name:felipe tabilo
    number list:36

  11. The book of macbeth I like, because tape-worm very much suspense, for the attitude of the prominent figures.
    Also I like me the last chapter that is debated her fights between Macbeth and Macduff.

    Name: Tamara Morales
    Grade: 7 basic

  12. I do not like macbeth to have such talks and not many fights and adventures but only macbeth is king, and then is defeated macduff po.
    Name: Mauro Luna Zeballos
    List no: 39

  13. I found the book very good fun and suspenseful part that I liked most was brother is enocntro for the first time with witches and you were told it was going to be a soldier, general and king and all that was going depsues meeting

    By: Paula Gonzales
    Course: 7 th grade

  14. the book is very funny because Lady Macbeth Macbeth's wife wants her husband to kill the king, and Macbeth is king, that she is beautiful as Queen of Scotland and that should kill the king and all his heirs

    By: Romina Vera
    Course: 7 th grade

  15. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  16. Macbeth's story seems full of magic, I really liked this book because I think witches iso. Lady Macbeth was very anvisiosa and at the end of the story dies, she handled the whole situation. Macbeth at the end of the story also beheaded by Macduf dies.
    This story makes as teaching that we must be ambitious in the material but not spiritually.

    nombre: Yaresli Torres Tapia.
    nº lista: 37
    curso: 7º basico

  17. is very interesting because the book has love, madness, sadness and antretencion and what is most interesting when Macduff kill Macbeth because he deserved it for killing so many people

    by:romina vera
    grade:7 basic

  18. I liked the book because the plot was good, and I liked it when I fight with Macduff and Macbeth also when I cut the head of Macbeth

    Name: Luis Silva
    N°: 35

  19. Macbeth is a very entertaining book in which carried out several facts, such as at the beginning that Macbeth was a very important and known to his people and had qe be King, but that had to kill Duncan, but then kills him discover it and gives you a guilty conscience and it appears the ghost of Duncan, then other things happen, but that's what I liked most

    Valesca Angel 7°B.

  20. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  21. My opinion of this book was that it is very entertaining, since Macbeth gets hold of the whole palace, in the palace shared with his wife lady Macbeth and with his friends. This book also I like me very much, it was very entertaining, Macbeth was very adventurous, very thoughtful, happy and the history tape-worm a lot of fiction.

    Name: Barbara Julio Cartes.
    Number list: 20.

  22. the book I found very interesting, I did not like much but I ubieron good parts fun, one is left curious to know what will happen and unexpected things happen

    name: Gabriela luna


  23. macbeth partial me very funny things that happened: assassinations, wars, etc.. what most caught my attention was the end where ell Army of macbeth goes against the

    Name: Gabriel Gahona
    List number: 13

  24. I really liked this book because it's fun for war and blood

    Name: Juan Pinto

    Grade: 7º Basic

    Number List: 29

  25. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  26. taste for me was fun, and the best part is when they kill
    macbeth and cut her head

    Name: Roberto Gonzalez

  27. macbeth is the story of a soldier from Scotland who wants to become king, which kills many people to taste because it has suspense and mystery but mostly because he wrote me like one of the most famous writers is william shakespear.

    name:valeria rodriguez
    number list: 42

  28. I liked this book a lot because it combines suspense and sused many interesting things like Hiram deaths around MACBETH, as the poisons the King of Scotland

    Name: Pablo Cáceres

    List number: 5

  29. I found the book entertaining as it was not as boring as other books, because in this story is more action such as: when the final die most of the characters

    guillermo castro

  30. traducción del español al inglés

    Macbeth I liked the plot and especially by the evil Lady Macbeth. I entanto by the death of characters.

  31. at first it was boring but the end was very good

    name:Felipe Diaz
