viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Jobs and occupations

There are many tasks to perform in every day life and of course there is always person to perform that specific job. I think about a friend of mine who studied music. He is a musician, he works in a theater and plays a musical instrument in an orchestra, his wife is a teacher, she works in a school and teaches Spanish to little children.
What can you tell me about your family jobs?

16 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. My family has the following employments:
    My breast Glory is teacher of history and social sciences, my granny Gloria it was employed at a particular company that tape-worm that to see with the communications and I am a student.
    nicolás Barrios Magna
    nºde lista:03

  3. *My Family has the following works:
    -My dad is employed at a company
    called Hidroline and at this
    campany receptionist is employed
    as police officer.
    -My breast works as owner of house.
    -My brother is a student and San
    Ramon studies in the collage
    Salesianos the serenade and yoes
    in 3 I happen
    -and I am student and study at
    school Elena Bettini.

    Name:Valentina Patricia Pizarro
    list number: 15
    6º Basico.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. Hello
    Acontinuacon it will show them the trade that there does each of my relatives:

    My family:
    My dad is employed at the contruccion, my mom is employed at the hospital of coquimbo, my sisters noemi and consuelo they go in the university of the Serena , carolina veronica and I are studying in the college elena bettini

    name:diego ignacio sandoval carmona
    n* list:19

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Hello, my name is Belén of 5º grade, i stud in Elena Bettini, is a catholic school, this have twelve classrooms, one music room, one pastoral room, one labotatory and one big and beauty gim. My classmates are very friendly with my.

    Bye Bye
    Belen Alejandra Aguirre Valenzuela

  9. My family has different jobs:
    * My mom is housewife.
    * My father is a supervisor in the Willow Construction.
    * I study
    * My sister works in the deli section in the Jumbo supermarket.
    * My brother works in the same mining my dad.

    Name: Paulina Villalobos Orrego
    Course: 6th Basic
    List Number: 26

  10. My grandfather works in a large print, my grandma worked making necklaces, bracelets and other things. my mom works at a fast food restaurant called the inn's patio, my older sister this year ended its practice of medicine and started working this year these are the work of my family

    Name: Jose Valencia
    List number: 24
    Course: 6th Bas

  11. my family has these jobs: my dad is the manager of a firm is responsible for sending the employees to bring order to the workers who have to grab your business by building in many places.
    constanza caroca
    nº de lista 5
    6º basico 2010

  12. My family has the following work:
    * Guillermo Contreras my father works in a company called Dimatel Electric SA and its job is being business manager.
    * My sister Karen Contreras is a student at the Universiade etudiante Central.
    * My brother Rodrigo Contreras is a professor of mathematics and many other subjects in school works Antenna.
    Maria Graciela Contreras * I am a student I'm in school Elena Bettini of La Serena.

    Name: Maria Graciela Contreras Sierra.
    List No: O6
    Course: Basic 6th

  13. my family has the following employments:
    my breast carmen preparend almuersos to the shool wiht
    my father

    benjamin sepulveda santis
    nº de lista : 20
    6º basico

  14. My family:
    - My mother Katherine works in the LIDER supermarket is cashier.
    - My father Eduardo works in infantile garden is guard the segurity.
    - My grand father Jesus to manage taxi.
    - My brother Gabriel is baby.
    - My grand mother Maria is housewife.
    - I am a student of the school Elena Bettini

    Name:Katalina Trujillo Segovia
    6º basic
    list number:22

  15. my famili is big and my mother is auxilar of farmace and ancient secretary and your name is viviana

    MY NAME IS:Matias sagredo
