martes, 28 de julio de 2009

Foreign countries

If you had the opportunity to visit a foreign country which one would you like? An English speaking country like USA, Canada, England, Australia or South Africa? or a different country like Japan, France, Mexico or Egypt? If I had the opportunity, I’d visit Ireland, in my opinion it is a great country. A lot of history, attractive places, nice people and lot more. How about you?

15 comentarios:

  1. I visitaria London since it is the country of the fashion furthermore the tower and to pasiar serious very pretty am a beautiful country and I like as they speak

    yanina cortes

  2. if I would like the opportunity to travel to United States because it is a big country, is developed, sparsely populated, has famous people, good education, work, ,good concerts, and more beautiful places and lot more.

    Analia Valencia

  3. I would like to travel to France because France is a highly developed country economically and socially,Also for my serious beautiful to travel to paris, francia and hací to know the great Eiffel Tower.

    And the language in francia is beautiful!!

    adieu! xD

    Camila Ortiz H.

  4. my favorite foreign country is peace because it is financially sound and is very nice

    anyelo bravo

  5. I would like to visit England, because it is the biggest island of Europe. I would like to know its culture, customs, landscapes and specially its castles. I think it is a very interesting country.
    Written by Catalina Cuellar

  6. The country than I want to visit Egipto because I will like know the pyramids, learn about they. I will like to learn about the pharaohs and their culture too their language and other things.

    Sergio Hurtado

  7. The country that I would like to visit is India because I like their culture and way of dressing used by the Indians. Their religion is also very interesting.

    By: Patricia Astorga

  8. My country extrangero favorite is brasil because I like them dances, carnabales, and great monument the redeeming crucifix


    by :::::diedus:::::

    8º año basico


  9. the city that want to visit is Tokio, because he is a pais with a lot of tecnologia, beautiful landscapes, is the place where is taxed my movie favorite that is "Fast
    and Furious in Tokyo".
    by:Eduardo Felipe Olivare Carvajal

  10. I would like to visit United States because it is a great country,the cities are very famous and attractive as New York and live famous people .


  11. I like to travel to Spain because it is a country of technology, has beautiful scenery and good marketing, so I have some people very friendly.

  12. The islands bahamas!
    for being very beautiful and influential tourism.
    has beautiful beaches and a tropical climate!
    also have beautiful scenery!


    Maghii! =D

  13. I would like to visit Mexico, by his culture and the ruins of civilaciones Aztec, beaches of the Caribbean one by his crystalline waters and to know his climate.

    by: Juan Galvez U.

  14. to visit inglaterra to know mas the language to listen to music and to know mas of his culturar of living.

    mati :p

  15. When I am bigger, I would like to go to the EE.UU by my parents talked a lot about this country when volviron him.
    I talked about the heat in the EE.UU and towards the beautiful beaches they visited every day.

    Pia Rabuco
