lunes, 27 de julio de 2009

Chilean celebrations

Chile is a very long country, full of different people and traditions. From La Tirana in the north to the typical mingas in the south, celebrations are important for us. Do you know any chilean celebration? Can you tell us about it?

32 comentarios:

  1. Each year, from the 12 through the 18 of july, in the small town of la tirana, 72 km from Iquique people celebrate the Virgin of Carmel, chile's patron saint.
    Activities include singing and dancing that go on 24 hours a day for the whole week.
    The festival is a mixture of history and religion, legend and myth.

    le hable de : La Tirana Festival.


  2. -I think it would be good to highlight some of them as the feast of San Sebastian Yumbel, from January 20 to March 20 in San Sebastian send him walking. Another feast of the Bío-Bío region of the feast of Candlemas in Yungay, in the chapel of Yungay to 69 kilometers of chillan is celebrated on February 2 at a Mass in honor of the Virgen de la Candelaria.
    Name: Catalina Maturana
    Course: 7th

  3. Each year our country celebrates the day of the May 21 naval battle of Iquique on July 16 we have the Feast of the iquique in Tirana on September 18 we celebrate holidays, 26 December party to celebrate that Andacollo force of the rosary, 6 January dee welcome the day nustro boy sotaqui and February 2 to celebrate our Virgen de la Candelaria.
    by:Carla Cortés

  4. It is many dates of celebrations they are outlined for being Chilean as for example the holiday of the tirana, our lady of carmen, etc.
    In chili there are many celebrations that are religious as tamien they are symbolic to the country as May 21 naval combat of iquique

    by:katia cardenas

  5. selebra in chile is the feat of the virgen del carmen which 16 is jill tis event is very especial that he decided that the chile 16 jill a holiday
    also has a temple in maipu

    by:barbara araya

  6. Some of the Parties traditional Chileans are the Festival of the Huaso of Olmue, this traditional party he/she takes place at the end of January, he/she is carried out in Olmue this traditional festival of the song folclorica, one of those but important of the country.
    By:Alines Pareja

  7. In Chile many things are celebrated, one of them and the most important is the holiday of the Tirana, is celebrated every July 16 in Tarapacá's region in the people of The Tirana in honor to the Virgen del Carmen

    for: Hector Riquelme

  8. One of the parties that in Chile there is the feast of a religious festival dedicated to the Virgin, has two dates on the first Sunday of October the party girl, fist and big 25 and 26 december.

    °o.O By: Patricia Contreras O.o°

  9. Cuasimodo's party that is celebrated between March and April has great coloring and audience at the localities like cuncumen, the barnechea, llay llay, casablanca, maipu and another one, in this religious street celebration that comes true on Sunday following to Easter of resurrection, the priest takes to the communion the sick persons, accompanied for huasos in cars, horses and bicycles, adorned with flowers, papers, Chilean flags and another prints.
    Name:Esteban Rojas A.

  10. The dances that for three days (24-25-26 of Dicembre) they present in Andacollo constitute the great attraction of the holiday(party).

    Andacollo's history is that of his(her,your) Virgin and of his(her,your) deposits of copper and gold. Placed at the back of a gully, to 55 km to I KNOW of Coquimbo and with a height of 1.053 mts. on the level of the sea, his(her,your) origin is previous at the arrival of the conquerors.

    by:daniela newman

  11. Holiday(Party) of the Virgin of Carmen on July 16
    According to Carmelite tradition, the day of Pentecost, certain pious males, who had followed(continued) the trace of life of the Prophets Elías and Eliseo, they embraced the faith crisitana; being they the first ones that raised a temple to the Virgin Mary in the summit of the Monte Carmelo, in the place itself from where Elías saw the nuve, which was figuring the fecundity of the Mother of God. Religious these were called Brothers of Santa Maria of the Monte Carmelo, and happened(passed) to Europe in the 13th century, with the Crossed ones, approving his(her,your) rule Innocencio IV in 1245, under San Simón's generalship Stock. On July 16, 1251, one appeared the Virgin Mary to this his(her,your) fervent servant, and delivered him(her) the habit that had to be his(her,your) distinctive sign. Inocencio blessed this habit and granted several privileges to him(her), not only for the religious ones of the Order, but also for all the Confreres of Our Lady of the Monte Carmelo. Taking these the scapulary, which is the reduction of that they take the Carmelite ones, they take part of all the merits and prayers(sentences) of the Order and peuden to wait of the Sma. Virgin turns soon free of the Purgatory, if they had been faithful in observing the conditions imposed for his(her,your) use. On this day let's ask for increase of devotion Maria Santísima who so splendid is with his(her,your) devout; since it(he,she) promises to which they will take position(place) his(her,your) holy scapulary the eternal salvation and the relief and abbreviation of sorrow(sentences) of the Purgatory.
    We fence in Maria, who calls us with his(her,your) Mother's most sweet voice.

    by : francisca muñoz

  12. In chili many things are celebrated in honor to important persons, one of these celebrations is the Naval Combat of Iquique, where there is remembered to Arturo Prat On May 21 by his actions that hiso in the War of the Pacific Ocean.

    By: Daniel Cortés

  13. Each year we celebrate a major celebration that venerates a heore named Arturo Prat and that day was called iquique naval battle that was the May 21 and also the celebration of the day December 31 New Year and Christmas December 25

    By:David Alejandro Alfaro Varas

  14. the feast of Candelaria is a typical celebration of the third region, it commemorates the discovery of a virgin in a small mine, the miner was its discoverer Caro Inca.en this place Masses, processions, dances such as the Devil, the saya, among otras.the celebration takes place from January 24 to February 4.
    by:felipe yañez

  15. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  16. In Chile are much celebrations.The ''most importants'' are the Iquique naval combat(may 21th),La tirana festival(12th to 18th of july),the national party(september 18th)and so much...because more things are celebrate.
    Belén Tetzner...

  17. The celebrations that are done in chili are very an unamble for the like that Chileans or the lady of the carme cannot celebrate dates unambles in nuestrom antePAsadon as the tirana on September 18 many mas celebrations that exist in chili
    By: diego caro

  18. August 16 is a bank holiday in Chile, because this is the religious celebration of the virgin of carmen, who is the hostess of Chile and of the army, she protects.

    Bye :__ Ninoska A. Ledezma

  19. holidays, glorias army, san pedro, naval battle of Iquique, disaster rancagua, March 10, 1946: Held for the first time in Chile, the International Women's Day, April 5 1818: Battle of Maipú. He was a patriot victory that meant the consolidation of the independence of Chile, the first of May is celebrated as Labor Day.
    by:francisco muñoz

  20. Andacollo festival
    is held in early October that the party girl and in December is the big festival that celebrates the virgin birth of the child god. is held from 24 to December 27 this event is located at Andacollo, Mass is celebrated by every hour and Chinese dances.
    by:catalina herrera

  21. What I recommend is that they visit the holiday of andacollo in the fourth region.
    This celebration is divided in two stages the first one is celebrated on the first Sunday of October and second on December 23, this celebration lasts the whole day, well the imbito to spending it well and to dibertirse with my imbitación.
    By: sebastian Tapia 7º Basico

  22. Andacollo's party is known for dancing, singing to them in commemoration of the virgin to it, this is in the IV region shortly after the La Serena.

    BY:Angelo Canales

  23. although the ministry of health cancelled chile´s la tirana`s (region 1) annul to slow the spread of swine flu in the religious groups ignored the government`s warnings and flocked to the city to continue qith the celebrations.
    this led local authorities last weekend to shut down the la tirana temple-thus shutting down any festival activities for the next two weeks.

  24. One of the celebrations in chile is New Year is the first of January, which is usually spent with family and relatives in the new year are launched artificial games were drinking liquor among other things

    By:Daniel Rodríguez

  25. In chile there is ample feasts and i would like to speak of the fiestas patrias, this was born on September 18, welcomed the independence of chile and is where the family meets and in occasions dance cueca our national dance.
    by : Emmanuel Carvajal J.

  26. each year, from 12 until July 18
    in the small city of Tirana (72 km from Iquique), people celebrate the Virgen del Carmen, the patron saint of chile.
    Activities include dancing and singing, the last 24 hours of the day the entire week.
    its called the Diabladas Vaile, the devils dance day and night

    name :Valentina Paez

  27. I chose the feast of the Tirana, is about to celebrate the Virgin Mary
    dance with religious ceremonies and pilgrimages in her name. This is done in northern Chile

    By: Hector Varela

  28. I found it interesting the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary of Andacollo, as it is in region.Se IV refers to the worship of the Virgin represented in the colorful dances that are offered to her.


  29. Each year we celebrate a major celebration that venerates a heore named Arturo Prat and that day was called iquique naval battle that was the May 21 and also the celebration of the day December 31 New Year and Christmas December 25

    BY: carlos spano

  30. Some of the Parties traditional Chileans are the Festival of the Huaso of Olmue, this traditional party he/she takes place at the end of January, he/she is carried out in Olmue this traditional festival of the song folclorica, one of those but importan in our country

    by diego gonzález

  31. On September 18, but of 1810, there is restored(established) in Chile the First National Meeting of Government independent from the direct guardianship of Spain. This day the Chileans we remember when for the first time our country was directed by men born in this land, who loved her and wanted the better(best) thing for her(it).

    In addition, this Meeting of Government was the first step for bigger and important other one: the definitive independence of our country of the Spanish domain(control). Eight years after that September 18, 1810, our country came undone totally of Spain, and began to be a free and independent country.

    Therefore, in September we celebrate our so called Native Holidays.

  32. Quasimodo tradition that consists in visiting the sick and bring peace and to give extreme unction to encounter God, this is a celebration that comes from the colonial era in chile, it's very festive and happy.

    by: Mauro Albasini.
