The city i like to know is Roma, capital of Italia i like because is a city big, beautiful with much places tourism for visit, places as the Coliceo Romano, museum, the Baticano and of where born the first cibilization.
paris is a of the city more beautiful of the world, have the Tower Eiffel, The Arc of the Triumph a of his atraction,is capital of France. He president is Nicolas Sarkozy.
the city that my favourite is buenos aires. because I find that a very large city and that is also very beautiful
ResponderEliminarThe city i like to know is Roma, capital of Italia i like because is a city big, beautiful with much places tourism for visit, places as the Coliceo Romano, museum, the Baticano and of where born the first cibilization.
ResponderEliminarAnalia Vlaencia Castro
I would travel to France for knowing The Eifel Tower, its typical fodd. Besides,France is a elegant place and entertaining.
ResponderEliminarName:Catalina Cuellar Araya
my favoryte city foreign is mendoza for becouse His trade, his restaurants, his thermal baths buildings were very big and it has nice becindarios
ResponderEliminarMaximiliano Dubó. A.
the city that my favourite is australia. because I find that a very large city and that is also very very very good.
paris is a of the city more beautiful of the world, have the Tower Eiffel, The Arc of the Triumph a of his atraction,is capital of France. He president is Nicolas Sarkozy.
the favorite city is:
ResponderEliminarFlorence (SPAIN) in that is a very beautiful city of to those of but of Spain
cata rios dijo...
ResponderEliminarthe city is La serena.
I would like to visit united states that say that there are many job opportunities
ResponderEliminaryanina cortes
the city that my favourite is E.E.U.U . because I find that a very large city and that is also very beautiful and Orlando-Florida because Disneyland.
ResponderEliminarthe city favorite is buenos aires,
ResponderEliminarme like the traquility that is and
make good security.
the city that I would like to visit Bariloche that I would love to hear from the mountains and test its gastronomy.
I would like to visit Paris for its beautiful places, its traditions, it is known for its landscapes, its sites and its beautiful colorful cultures