jueves, 27 de marzo de 2008

My daily activities

How's your weekend? Do you go out, study, stay at home or help your mom with the house shores?
Tell us about the activities you do on Saturday or Sunday.

35 comentarios:


    NAME: Cristian Leonel Pinto García
    Age: 11 years
    City: La Serena
    From: Chile
    Likes: Play soccer, play ping-pong and play computer game
    Dislikes: play basquetball, high school musical and homework
    Favorites: Play soccer, playing in the computer, reggaeton and scary movie

  2. Hello, my name is Diego José Paolo González Aguilera. To have eleven years, liveing in The Serena. studing in the School Elena Bettini and to go in 6º, my likes to play soccer and tennis of table.

  3. my name is camila lorena rodriguez saavedra, born on November 9, 1996 I am 11 years old, I'm going sixth basic and at school elena Bettini of calm. and I like volleyball.

  4. my name is felipe andres yañez Rojas; i have 11 years

    i lived in la serena city, country chile.my hobbies is play soccer, investigation of the dinosaurs, playing the computer game and play station 2.
    my favourite movie is HULK

    by: felipe yañez

  5. name is catalina herrera,to have 11 years old,country chile, play voleball, mai favorite music is of bjorck, movie favorit is los simpson

    catalina herrera

  6. My free time activity is: can play the basquetball in the school once a weck,the thuesday day.

    By:Angelo Canales

  7. Hello, my name is Daniela Newman Olivares.liveing in the Coquimbo,to have eleven years old. My likes to play voleball and swimming.

    good bye!!!

    Daniela Newman Olivares


  8. my name is katia
    like:play the computer,look tv,listen music and other thing.

  9. hello, my name is Francisca muñoz. liveing in the La Serena, to have eleven years old
    My likes to play bolevall and swimming.

    By Francisca muñoz

  10. hello, my name is Daniel Rodriguez,to have 11 years old, i live in la serena, my likes to the playing footbal and tennis

  11. My name is Tamara Morales Ahumada and to go in 5ºgrade.
    My daily routine consists in:
    first I wake, then I raise, then I wash, I bed dress after I sed in, afterwards I drink breakfast, then I play with my friendly, afterwards have, I do task, then I see television, afterware I drink tea, I to place pyjamas, I prepare the backpack and I go to bed.

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. Hello my name is Aileen Kam Rojas
    and to go in 5º grade.My daily routine is: First wake up at the seven o'clock,get up,have and shower and get dress after have breakfast.
    Go at the school at the eigth o'clock until the afternoon.I watch TV in the work of my father, go at home, drink tea and after answer my homework,prepare my bag and go to bed.

  14. I wake up at 6 am get up at 6:15 breakfast milk and cookies, at 8 am Im go to my school, at 3:30 comeback to my home, here, in my house I make homeworks and in the night at 9 pm Im go to the bed

    By Gabriela Luna 5º grade

  15. I wake up at 7 o clok and get up at 7:15 , last I breakfast and go to my school. At 1 pm I have lunch in the school and play whit my friends. At 4 o'clock I back to my home and make homeworks and study, last i go to the bed.

    By: Cristobal Jeldrez 5º Grade

  16. Iwake up and get up at 6:45 , I breakfast at 7:15 and go to the school, in the school play whit my friends and study, last, at 1 pm go to have lunch and last i comeback to my house and I make homeworks. In the night I wash TV and i take a shower,last i go to bed and sleep.

    By: Gabriel Gahona 5º Grade

  17. hello ,my name is Valesca Angel
    My activitie Saturday day:
    They wake up 10:00 they get up 10:30
    they have a batch 11:00. I have breakfast 11:30.
    Hese shopping 12:00 have lunch 14:00
    go out play 16: have weter TV 16:00
    have dinner 19:00 goto bead 23:00.

    by Vlesca Angel Cortes 5º gradeprincipesco

  18. Hello, I am Valesca Angel C.
    My activities Sunday day:
    They wake up 9:45 they get up 10:05 they have a bath 11:00 have breakfast 11:30 to go granfather 12:00 have lunch 14:00 go out play 16:00 have weter TV 16:30 have dinner 19:00 go to bead 23:00.

    by Valesca Angel C. 5º Grade

  19. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  20. Awake me at 7:00 I get up at 7:05, to las7:10 take the milk of breakfast and quaker, at 7:30 I go away to the school, at 3:35 I go away to my house, here, in my house do tasks and in the night at 21:00 I go away to the bed pray 21:10

    Juan Pablo Pinto García

  21. My Sunday activities is, I get up and play to the computer, then I have a shower and have lunch with my family. Sometimes I go out to walk in bicycle to the beach. On Sunday not almost always I am in the house and do my tasks.


  22. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  23. I wake up at nine o'clock, next i wash tv later at ten o'clock it's ten quarter to raiser after breakfast, at eleven o'clock i play ping-pong later lunch.
    At three o'clock go to my friend's home later back to my home and it's ten alf past to sleep.

    By: Mauro Zeballos 5º Grade

  24. i wake up at 6:30 am get up at 7:00 break last milk and cookies at 8 am im go to my school at 3:30 comeback to my here,home,in my house i make homeworks and in the night at 9:30 pm im go to the bed

  25. I'm doing my activities on Sunday are:

    I wake up late
    take desalluno
    PlayStation game
    Television watching

    In latarde shower, my tasks and prepare for college

    then I go to bed early to sleep

  26. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  27. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  28. Name: Tamara Andrea Morales Ahumada.
    Age: Ten years old.
    Class: 5º grade.
    Hometown: La Serena.
    Likes: I likes dancing, playing and singing.
    Dislikes: I don't like seafood and vegetables.
    Favorites: My favorite activity is dancing.
    Family: My mom, my dad and two brothers.

  29. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  30. mi name is camila ramirez, wake up,have a bath, 7 a quarter have a beakfast, go out school, 12 a quarter have lounch. 3 a half go out school and go office me mother, 5 a half go out office take taxi to be in house, have dinner 8 hrs, 10 o`clock go to be.

  31. I wake up early at 6 Am, I desalluno, I exit the house at 7:30am to attend college, lunch at 13:00, at 15:30 leave school at 16:00 came on the I change clothes home and play with my friends, then do the tasks to bed early

  32. Hello, my name is Cristian Diaz
    My activities from Sunday day are:
    I wake up to take desalluno, I am going to my room to play on the computer, lunch, I go out to play my common friends, I see television and PlayStation game, enlisted my duties to go to college and then I go to bed

    Cristian Diaz
    5th Grade

  33. I wake up at 6 am, i get up at 6:30, i wash at 6:35 am, i breakfast at 6:50. I'm going to school at 7 pm. Lunch 13 hours to leave school at 15:30 am, I eleven at 19:00 pm and I go to bed at 21 hours.

    Javiera Valencia

  34. hello,mi name Victoria Ortiz Salinas :mi get up around at 6:30 am mi dres y have break fast,at 7:00 o clook it at seven tuenti take de bus that school class to go in at 8:00o clook y go aut class , at 15:30 pi y o vack 15:45 pi me to llearing i havi jov 19:00 o clook to take eating dinner it at 21:00 o clook mi slleping

  35. I get up at 6:00 am and I have a shower and wake up. I breakfast at 6:45 and I go to my school at 7:15
    I enter to the school at 8 am,I lunch at 13:00. I out of the school at 15:30 Hrs make homeworks and I take a rest at 16:30 to 17:30
    I dinner at 18:30 hrs and sleep at 21:00 hrs

    By: Bárbara Jopia 5º Grade
